Chapter 4: Goodnight, Lashven ❤

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Why did he do that? That damn finger of his....I wanna chop it off. No, I can't do that. He's my crush so, I shouldn't be mean. What if he hates me because I'm mean? Does that means that he's into nice girls?

If I try to be like one of the nice girls, would he ask me to be his girlfriend? Wait, I have something even better! What if I become both baddie and nice girl? Would he ask me to be his wife? Oh no! What if he doesn't want to get married? Does that mean that all the wedding videos I played in my mind can't be true?

Who's going to be my prince charming then? Don't tell me I'm going to marry a wild boar in the future! Does marriages with pigs even happen though? I never heard of one and I might make history out of this one but I still want my prince charming!

Perhaps I'll have to marry a real prince yo get my own prince charming but am I even allowed to get married to royalty? I mean, I'm just an ordinary person and not a real princess. It'll be cool if I was one but I don't wish to be one because if I were so-called 'princess', I would never get to meet Lashven and go to the same school as him which only non-royalty people like me go.

"What are you thinking?", someone asked. I quickly rise up from the pillow I was laying my head on and slapped that person out of shock.

"Oh, it's you", I mumbled.

"What a way to treat your elder brother", he rolled his eyes at me.

"Hey, you're the one who was trying to send me to heaven earlier!", I defended myself.

"No, I wasn't. You're the one who was staring at the ceiling with dreamy eyes as if you've hit the jackpot from a lottery ticket. Now, tell me. What were you thinking about? Is it about Lashven?", he asked.

I've been caught red-handed.

"Pffft, no!", I denied and lay back down in my comfortable pillow.

"W-what if I was? Is that a crime?", I whispered under my breath.

"I never said that, little sis. It's your love life and I won't question you about it. I crush on girls yoo, you know?", he laughed.

I know that but those girls you crush on aren't related to you in any way.....Whatever, a girl like me can't be with be with someone like him. I'm way out of his league. I can only..dream about all of this happening.

"But I wanna kiss him so bad", I sighed to myself.

"Who do you wanna kiss, beautiful?". That isn't my brother's voice. That means it's...

"NO ONE!", I screamed at him.

Lashven Krishav.

"I asked you a question", he said, straight-faced. Slowly, he got on top of me and tilted my chin with two fingers to look at him in the eye.

"You better answer", he whispered in my ear.

I'm going to kill my brother after this. How dare he walk away without telling me and leave me in this mess?! Oh, I can't believe I'm about to do this. I'm so sorry in advance, Lashven.


"Yes, beautiful", he replied.

"Goodnight", I said and punched him till he was out. He's going to be in so much pain tommorow.

Great, now I feel bad. This is all of my brother's fault! Although Lashven has fainted, he still looks handsome and cute. How does he manage to pull that off?! I hate him so much. I tucked him in bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

I would tell you my answer but I don't think you are ready to hear it. I don't think you'd ever want to hear it either....

"Goodnight, Lashven". I smiled at him.

I should say sorry to him in the morning. It's the only right thing to do after punching him like he was my punching bag.

I shook my head at that thought. After that, I drifted away to sleep.

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