"This..." He opens his jacket to pull a little black box out of his pocket.

After making sure no one of importance is around, he opens it to reveal the biggest diamond ring I've ever seen. At first, I'm happy for him. But when he starts talking about how he wants to propose and wanting my input on where and when he should do it, I find myself fighting back tears.

Thankfully the bell rings and we go our separate ways. But my relief is short-lived when Ethan walks into class and sits down next to me. I try my best to keep my emotions in check, but halfway through class he grimaces and turns to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I start to lie to him just to get through class, but one glimpse of his haunted eyes tells me pushing him away might not be the smart thing to do. So, I tell him the truth.

"Everything. You... me... everything."

Sighing heavily, he grabs me by the hand and walks me out of the classroom against the teachers demands for us to retake our seats.

Sybil will hear about this...

And though she won't lift a finger to punish her precious grandson, the same can't be said for me.

Backing me up against the wall in the hallway and trapping me in-between the two arms he has firmly planted against the wall on either side of me, his eyes delve into mine. Imploring me to talk.


"Lucas is going to propose to Eden, and... I don't know... seeing how happy he is and knowing how happy she's going to be when he does... it kind of... it made me think about us and just how screwed up things are between us. I mean, you haven't even been able to look at me lately." I emotionally vomit my feelings all over him.

Nodding, Ethan lowers his gaze to my mouth before meeting my gaze once more. The intensity in his eyes going super nova.

"Our situation isn't as dire as you might think, Ali. And my not being able to look at you has everything to do with me not trusting myself to be near you, than it does me not wanting to be near you. For instance, I want nothing more than to kiss you right now. But-"

"Then do it." I cut him off. Desperate for some sort of connection to him.

Some sort of affection.

Ethan's hesitant, but he can see the desire in my eyes. So, he humors me. Leaning into me and softly crushing his lips to mine. Which causes a million tiny explosions go off inside me. I grip him by his shirt and pull him into me. There, in the empty hallway of GA, the two of us collide. Our frantic lips seizing one another as we breathlessly embrace each other.

"Stop." Ethan pleads. Just when it's starting to get good.

Reluctantly, I pull away from him and it's a good thing I did. His fangs have descended, and his baby blues have turned crimson.

"When was the last time you fed?" I ask.

"This morning."

"Human or animal?"

Ethan gives me a look that says, what do you think?

"You can't keep doing this to yourself. Your nature is to feed on human blood, Ethan. And while I understand your aversion to doing so, you must. It will sustain you for longer periods of time and make you stronger." I give him the third degree.

"I hear you, and I understand your concern, but the only blood I seem to crave lately is yours. Add that to the fact that some part of me has been programmed to want to kill you, and I just don't think it's safe." He sighs. "If that means drinking the blood of every animal on this planet, then I will do so before I ever take another drop of your blood. End of discussion."

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