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Chapter Thirteen

Broken hearted, I dragged myself back to my house. Laid in my bed, couldn't stop my tears from falling. My body felt so heavy, felt like I was dying. My biggest reason to live, was gone. Taking my strong belief in true love with it.
"Allison!" I heard a girl shouting. It was Jenny, she was shouting and calling out to me. She was shouting but to my ears it seemed like she was whispering to me. I couldn't hear the words she spoke to me clearly. Even with my enhanced hearing as a vampire all I heard were soft whispers.
"Allison. This is my fault. I somehow knew that this would happen but I didn't stop it from happening," she said and joined me crying while she hugged me, " I should have trusted my abilities to see the future. Don't worry, I can take this away. I can take the pain away." Nothing that she said made sense to me but I didn't bother asking. I didn't feel curious or wonder about what she meant. The only thing I felt at that moment was pain and the only thing I wondered about was John.
She took out a book. It looked old and it was really thick. She started mumbling some words. It sounded like chants. I didn't ask what she was doing nor even cared. I'm at my worst state and if she was doing something to make me feel better, I hope it works. For I fear that this depression would cause me to die or go berserk and kill everyone in my sight, including Jenny, my bestfriend.


3 Years Later

I got up today knowing that I have nothing to look forward to. But, that's the life of a normal teenage girl.
"Ally! Breakfast is ready!" my mum shouted and I ran downstairs. This is the excitement that I face everyday. Breakfast. Not is it just the most Important meal of the day but also the best meal of the day. It's the only time that I can eat food with sugars and a lot of unhealthy stuff.
For the rest of the meals like dinner and lunch, we would be served vegetables. Which me and my dad can both agree, it sucks. But we can't argue with mum or it would be a whole day of lecturing about how important veggies are in life.
"How are you liking your new workplace?"
"I'm missing the old one but I'm getting use to this one. And it's so much better now that I get to be with my little girl and even pick her up in school."
"Dad!" I was irritated, "I'm in college now. And I'm getting my own car soon so enjoy sending me and picking me up while you still can," I stuck out my tongue playfully as my father gave out an enormous laugh.
I got off the car at the front gate, I like walking from here. I waved at my dad as he drove off. Well, here I am. New school, new life. I took a deep breath before entering the campus. I saw a lot of students, but no one that I know. Everyone seemed ready and well prepared for this day.
"My first day and I already love this school." Jenny put her arm around my shoulders and I gave a big smile.
"So...found any boys to flirt with yet?"
"Oh I have... And I don't think flirting is all I'm gonna be doing with college boys."
"Your disgusting," I said and she laughed. There was a big pause in our conversation as I was looking at a guy who was walking past me. He gave me this look as if he recognized me.
"Ally. How have you been?" Jenny asked.
"Fine. Why?"
"Still having bad dreams?"
"They're more like scary nightmares."
"Wanna talk about them?"
"It's still the same ones but they are getting clearer and more frightening," I said as I found my locker and looked at the piece of paper in my pocket that has the lock code for my locker, "I was staring at a wolf, a big one with grey fur. It stood right in front of me. It was well within my grasp but I stared at it without any fear. Then I heard screams as I saw a lot of blood. Then there was this monster with red eyes and huge fangs running at me aggressively."
"You dream of this over and over again?"
"That's not the worst part. The worst part was when I was watching a guy walking away from me. I couldn't see his face but it seemed as if I didn't want him to go. Then after that I would always wake up. I would wake up with a tear falling from my left eye and my heart pounding. I feel so much pain that I can't stop my tears from falling." Our conversation was disturped by the sound of the school bell ringing. I closed my locker and kissed Jenny in the cheeks before we started walking different directions.
I searched for my class and when I found it the teacher was already there. I knocked on the door and entered then everybody's eyes were fixed on me.
"Hello miss.."
"Allison. Allison Branson."
"Well, Allison. I don't tolerate tardiness in my class but since this is your first time, I'll let you off the hook. But! This would also be the last. Do we have an understanding?"
"Yes sir."
"Take your seat," he gestured me to the front seat but I chose the sit near the window at the back. Beside a girl who was putting lipstick on as she was checking herself out. I then try to concentrate on the lesson but instead, I started day dreaming and thinking about the dreams that I've been having.

Who was that guy walking away? Why did I fear a monster that was far away from me but not the monster that stood inches away from me? Why does those feel more like memories than dreams?

My eyes opened. My head laid in my arms that were on the desk. Then I realized that I was waking up from a short nap but I don't even remember going to sleep nor even feeling sleepy at all. I then turned to face my teacher who was now giving me a look that implemented that he was irritated at me. But as soon as I looked at him he turns from irritated to worried.
"Are you okay?" he says and I then notice that there was tears falling from my eyes yet again.
"Yes. I just need to use the girls room for awhile," I said as I grabbed my bag and quickly made my way to the door.
I was walking when suddenly a guy came out from the toilet and bumped into me.
"Oh... sorry," I took a quick look at his face. It was him. It was the guy that seemed to recognize me but this time he tried to hide his face as if he was keeping me from recognizing him. And it seems that I actually recognize him but I couldn't figure out who he was or where I've seen him before.
"Excuse me, but do I know you?" I asked him and his eyes widened.
"Yes, you do, but you won't remember me for two reasons."
"What do you mean? What two reasons?"
"One is because of my form and how different I look. And two is because your memory has been taken from you," he left me there standing alone and confused as he walked away really quickly.

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