Chapter 8 - The Arrival of Doom

Start from the beginning

_"For the past few hours, our bases around the world have been constantly communicating the same phenomena: human children, of all ages, are showing more or less significant physical transformations and paranormal abilities, and this is triggering panics and riots everywhere." Jack Irons explained.

Emily, Mr. Lordi, Mana, Awa, Ox and Sarah looked on and all were surprised, even horrified at what they saw. In Germany, in Berlin, a 13-year-old boy was seen in total distress, with tears in his eyes, and trying in vain to defend himself by manifesting telekinetic waves from his hands, throwing a car several meters away, but was shot by police forces in the street. In the city of Los Angeles in the United States, a 15-year-old boy had transformed himself unvoluntary into a sort of half man, half wolf and having lost control of himself, had attacked and devoured several students in his class, killing a teacher and wreak havoc on his school before he was eventually killed by the police outside the school entrance as he tried to escape. In Australia, an 11-year-old girl was seen being chased, but went completely invisible and disappeared from view of cameras and pursuers. And many other cases, everywhere in the world, were shown on the screens, and already, one could estimate that many of these children, meta-humans in spite of themselves, had unfortunately been killed, often by incomprehension.

Awa covered her mouth as she was horrified by all these meta-human children filmed when they had just been killed, some of them not even being older than ten years. Sarah couldn't bear to see this any longer and snuggled up against Ox who gently patted her shoulder in vain to comfort her. Mana remained focused on the screens, hands behind his back, but expressed her dismay with a heavy sigh. Emily ran her hands over her face, breathing heavily.

_ "Mr. Irons, we've seen enough." growled Mr. Lordi softly, also deeply affected by this situation.

The director of the SRDO understood and turned off the main screen, ending these awful but very real visions.

_"All over the world, our bases are trying to limit the damage, but it's easier said than done. Another organization, GENESIS, has offered to help us in order to save as many of these "different" children as possible, "if you allow me this expression... But not only..."

_"How so? Explain yourself." Emily asked.

_ "Well, a few hours ago now, Captain Redfield, the Red Wolves Squad, along with Enary, Kalma and Magnum, broke up a monster trafficking ring in Norway." said Irons. "More and more of these gangs are coming to light, and from what we've discovered in the hideouts, all seem to be affiliated with these crackpots who worship those you call the Great Ancient Ones."

Mr. Lordi, Ox, Awa, Sarah and Mana were surprised and angry to learn that monsters had been captured and then caged like animals, but were also relieved to know that most had been freed. Emily was also disgusted by the actions of these criminal gangs, and along with the others, was not at all surprised by the revelation regarding the fanatics.

_"It was to be expected that all this chaos would not fail to bring out the parasites to come and feast on the blood of the innocents." growled Mr. Lordi darkly.

_"It is absolutely necessary to do something for the meta-human children. Knowing the fanatics, they will not hesitate to want to capture them in turn, and who knows what they will want to do with them, and it is better not to attempt the devil." Emily commented.

Mr. Lordi, Ox, Awa, Sarah and Mana agreed with her.

_"And while our forces are busy fighting the hordes of fanatics across the world, the most powerful enemy continues to approach and we have no idea where and when. They are absolutely trying to divide us, to separate our forces as much as possible." Awa said.

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