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I will make a chapter everytime you won't expect it lmao.

Alex went to open the door.


"Alex! For god sake why won't you answer my texts i was worried sick!"

"I-I just haven't really good since you know" Alex said while trying to avoid eyecontact.

"Yeah i know and i understand but hey look at me you have a son"

"I know Karl i just I-I" Alex broke down on his knees and started to cry with his two hands covering his face.

"Oh Alex " Karl said gives Alex a hug

"I have an idea why wont you go out a little and like do some shopping and some relaxing for yourself" Karl suggested with a smile.

"I want to but who is gonna take care of charlie "

"Don't worry i will help! And i will clean the house"

Alex looked at Karl and smiled

Karl was still the same person Alex fell in love with.


Alex here is your breakfast!

Alex went downstairs

"Smells good"

"Here you go !"

Alex began to eat and looked at the time

"Holy shit Karl! Aren't you late!?"

"Yes but I know you won't eat anything if i didn't make you anything  you child" Karl said


Sapnap came rushing

"SORRY! Thx karl"

"Karl why are you always putting us before you?" Alex asked while eating.

"Yeah you know you should really put yourself first"

Karl took both one a hand of each boy.

He kissed them

"Because it's worth it"

[end of flashback]

Fuck... Alex thought

"Okay Alex now shoo shoo"
Karl said with his hand.

" go spend some money"
Karl said while closing the door

Alex was thinking to go to the city to shop for some clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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