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Alex went home and told jayla about how he saw Karl and that he was coming over.
Jayla was not so happy to hear that Alex saw one of his exes.

Jayla: he better behave!

Alex: wow don't have to say that he isn't a dog or anything?

Jayla: Do you still care about him!?

Alex: well yeah just because i'm not with him anymore doesn't mean i don't care about him!

Jayla: all i am saying is he better doesn't try to get with you Alex!

Alex: calm down! Karl wouldn't do that.

Jayla: he better not!

Alex wasn't really happy about how jayla thought about Karl. Beside Karl wasn't even the reason why they broke up. Karl was a sweet nice person.

It was getting late and it was almost 8 pm.

Alex heard a knock on the door.
He opens the door and sees a tall Brown fluffy hair guy smilling at him.

Alex got flashbacks from when they first met.
When they met in irl for the first time Alex already fell in love with Karl.

But that was then.

Alex: karlos!

Karl: Quackity!

Jayla was watching from the back with not a happy face.

Alex: come inside.

Karl: your house is really pretty!

Jayla: its actually OUR house.
Jayla said while looking at karl up and down.

Karl:you must be Alex's girlfriend!?

Jayla: Duh

Karl didn't expect that kind of reaction.

Alex: uhm..Karl you want to drink something?

Karl: yeah sure.

Alex got drinks and they went to the living room to sit on the couch.

Jayla got tired of Karl being there.

Jayla: its getting pretty late Karl! Don't you wanna go home?

Alex looked at jayla with a wtf face.

Karl got the hint.

Karl: um..yeah actually.

Alex didn't know why jayla was being a bitch but he was tired of it.

Alex: you know what Karl is it okay if i bring you home?

Karl: but my car would still be here?

Alex: don't worry we can hangout tomorow!

Karl: alright then!

Jayka gave Alex a look.
It looked like she was being betrayed.
(Who gives a fuck)

Alex brought Karl home.

Alex got back home.

Jayla: wtf was that Alex!

Alex: are yoy kidding me! You were being so mean!

Jayla: he called you Quackity wich means he still likes you.

Alex: yeah as a godanm friend jayla!

Alex: you know what i'm going to bed.

Alex went up stairs to his room and fell asleep.

Does anyone has tips for how to start a convo with your hallway crush? I got his snap and idk i'm a pussy.

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