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Yeji was telling Ryujin about everything on the list for the project they need to start however Ryujin on the other hand had her eyes glued to the computer.

"yahhh! Are you even listening" - Yeji whined like a child after seeing that Ryujin clearly was NOT listening.
Ryujin smirked before turning the video game off.
"alright. What do you need?" -Ryujin
"huh okay so we need a chart paper, glue........ And that's it" - Yeji read everything on the list making sure Shin was listening this time.

"kk let's go get these then" - Ryujin
"right now?" - Yeji
"yes ofcourse. You ready?" -Ryujin knew that it was a bit weird for Yeji to see that she was agreeing with her but she still decided to say it.
"okay! That's great!" - Yeji said excited.

"here we go... that's it right?" - Ryujin asked the cashier after handing her the money.

Yeji was waiting for Ryujin outside the store when some guy about in his 30s approached her.
"hey baby" - The guy held her hand which made yeji scream.
"l-let m-me go!"
"cmon- don't be like this" the man held her hand with more force. Which made her scream in pain. Shin had heard it. She knew this scream.

"let her go" - Ryujin was really about to lose it. When the man decided to dig a hole for himself.
"ohh anyother pretty lady eh. How about you both come wi-"
That was it. Oh he is gone now. Ryujin just punched the shit out of this bitch.
She quicly held yeji who was about to fall and pulled her

"you okay?" - Ryujin asked.
"y-yeah..." - Yeji was still frightened?
Ryujin saw the look on her face so as they were walking back she put her hand along her shoulder.
"it's okay jie"

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