It's Meme Time Part 11 (Rosalie "Red Panda" Chiang's Birthday 2022)

Start from the beginning

Deku: WHAT?!?!

Ochako: John and Ringo wouldn't do that!!!

Olley: Sadly, they did. John and Ringo both confessed that they abused their wives back in their days. Paul would have 3 wives. The first died and the second divorced. Ringo would divorced one and married another. John and George are the only ones that never went on a divorce

Yamikumo: That's sad

Nana: How dare you call Big Nose a loser!!!

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Nana: How dare you call Big Nose a loser!!!

Huey: You just called Ringo "Big Nose"

Nana: He's cute, like the rest!!!

Nana: He's cute, like the rest!!!

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Denki: Hey, wait a second...

Denki: Hey, wait a second

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Mei: Oh my god...

Jr: Don't you think about it, Nutjob

Jr: Don't you think about it, Nutjob

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