Chapter 1

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Quinn taps his wristwatch and yells at Amber. "We have to go! We are running out of time they will be back any second!"
"I know Quinn! Hold on! Let me grab this one thing!" The door across the room slams and they hear footsteps. "Quick! Hide behind the bookshelf." Whispered Quinn. "Fine....but we are not leaving without my locket!"
"We have too. They will find us if we don't leave now." Said Quinn, trying to calm down Amber. She stands quietly and waits for the guards to leave, then makes her way, with Quinn, to the door the guards entered only 5 minutes ago. She looks back in the crack on the floor where her locket lays, trapped by the cement.
* * *
"Yes! We did it Amber! We got the plans for Zeostros' evil plan. We finally completed our first mission! Just you and me." Says Quinn, who blushes a bright red. He turns around to high-five Amber, but finds that she is already strapped into her electro jet hidden in the bushes. Quinn sulks to his electro jet (Missy. Yes he named his electro jet.) wondering what he did to make Amber so upset, if it was him at all.

*Sorry this is such a short chapter. They are all kinda short but I will try to update at least twice a week, on Monday and Thursday. *

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