Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure

Start from the beginning

"No no... Is just... What if my siblings accidentally cross through my dream? I won't have enough money for them..." Error murmured in though, looking at his G.
"I would also like to buy for you! But I might not have enough too..."

Nightmare blinked lightly and laughed then. His child was too precious.
,,Error, I don't need anything. And don't worry about your siblings. This is your dream, you can't meet anyone from the real world here... except they have the ability to go into dreams like me, but I only know one other person who can do that and this person won't come here. So, don't worry about about others. Think about yourself for a bit, okay?" He said and petted Error.

"But... Thinking for myself is selfish... I was already being very selfish by making you stay with me..." Error mumbled softly.
"You even had to stay with me... That's too selfish enough... I've done too much selfish already..." Error frowned, ah, he's still torn about that.

Nightmare frowned. ,,Don't say that, Error." He said.
,,Thinking about your needs and wants is self care, not selfish. And it's very important. Selfish would it be if you would meet a very thirsty person and drink water you have, just so you don't need to give the person anything." He hummed and kneeled down to Error.

,,And it's not selfish of you to make me stay with you. There is nothing I like to do more than to stay with you. Work is really boring, y'know?" The guardian chuckled half-heartedly and gave Error a small smile.

"But... I don't... Like being selfish. Selfish is mean and I don't wanna be mean... I can't even control my mean!"
Error frowned, looking up at Nightmare as their dream seems to be starting to fall a bit with the negativity from Error.

Nightmare glanced around before hugging Error.
,,Error... Ruru, you're not selfish. Look, you always wanna help your Mama and brother, right? That's not what selfish people would do. Selfish people wouldn't question themselves if they're selfish. Wanting your own needs and wishes fulfilled is not selfish, it's something called self care, which is very important, because without it you can get very sick mentally, that means in your head, where you think, and that's not good, because it can hurt you." Nightmare explained calmly.

"I... I can accidentally... Hurt myself?" Error frowned lightly at that, no no, that won't do!
Hurting himself would make his family sad, and he doesn't like seeing them sad!
"I don't... I don't want to hurt myself... Mama, my Brothers and Inky and Ms Com and Apa gets sad if I would hurt myself..." Error looks up at Nightmare.
"You would also get sad if I hurt myself!"

Nightmare nodded slightly. ,,Yes. But this could happen. Error, you really are the polar opposite of selfish. So please, think about yourself. About what you want and need. Because this is very important to me and your Mama and your brothers."
Nightmare cooed, as he petted Error's face.

"B-But... I don't want to be... Too selfish..." Error mumbled, leaning into Nightmare for a bit. "I really don't..."
,,Belive me, Error. You can't be too selfish. And if you would be, I would warn you. So you don't need to worry." Nightmare hummed and nuzzled his son lightly.

"... Promise...?" Error mumbled softly, looking up at Nightmare with while still frowning.
,,Promise Promise." Nightmare answered and smiled once more at the small child.

"Okay..." Error then slowly nodded, glancing back at the bow.
"Then... Do I... Buy it?" Error softly asked in confusion.
,,Do you want to buy it?" Nightmare asked the younger one petting him lightly.

"I- I want to but..." Error then fiddled with his sleeves a bit. "You... Promise that it's... It's okay to be... Selfish?"
,,It's completely okay and very healthy." Nightmare hummed encouraging and rubbed Error's skull.

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