The apollo brothers

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Jin pov

Aw hell no!

this so not going to work and the gods are fucking ass-holes for doing this to me. I groan into my pillow in my only place of sancutary my room. after what happen to day i never want to see the outside world ever again. I hate every thing right now. exspialy my three mates of the enemy pack.The apollo brothers.

Ceaser, Titus, and Atticus Apollo of the Moon Gladiator pack.not to mention they are the soon to be Alpha's and all three of them are my mate.God i hate them so much!

"Jin open the door!"yells my bestfriend that i kicked out and lock out of my room.

"No kelly! Go away! You took there side! i cant trust you anymore!"i yelled back at her and rolled over in my bed.

how could my best friend even think of saying that I should give them a chance and see if this relationship thing even works. That was straight up betrayel and she should be kick out of the pack for even thinking of me hooking up with a mate who is an enemy.

"Come on Jin! It's wrong for you to do this! the fates has made it so that you guys could be togather and that they are the only ones that can make you happy. not Josh the human that you think is your mate because it was obvious from the start that your wolf clearly hates him. Besides you weren't suppose to go school anyway because your still in heat"she says with a cocky tone at the end.

"Shut up kelly! He is my mate! I will chose who my mate is not the stupid fates. All they do is cause pain and lets people die."I say witha broken tone at the end.

When a female were goes into heat she is more emotionally sensitive and suffers with more mood swings then a normal human girl. Plus only your mate can smell that your in heat and will feel uncontrollably drawn to claim their mate. This was my first heat and I was seriously hoping that Josh would be more drawn to me then normal. The thing is if your mate is human male they get extremely turn on by you and feel more drawn to you then ever.

But now my heat is going to be crazy, because when a mate an alpha will last for two weeks and I have three mates who are all Alphas. I will three times more needy off them and three times more horny. The only reason I'm not banging them right now is because I hate them enough to control myself. But our bonding link is really strong ,so it will make them even harder to ignore.I just got to make sure I'm not touching them for them to bring out my arousal and that will put me in full blown heat to take over.

"Jin.." Kelly says with a sincer tone as she open my door.I never know how she does that but at this moment i don't care.i could hear her walk towards my bed and new it was her sitting at the edge when i felt it dip.

" Did he break up with you the moment he herd about what happend at school?" she said with a carefull tone.

I was seriously hoping for him to just keep loving me and to keep fighting for us to be togather.But instead he dumped me . I rolled over and hug Kelly, than whaled my sorrows of being reject from someone I truly loved.

"He told me that i was a disgusting whore because i had three mates and that i should rott in hell, beacuse all my mates were brothers."I sobed and i could feel my body shaking from how strong it was.Kelly just held me and patted my head and shushing me.

"Jin. Josh was an ass and he deserves to rott in hell, for what he said and done to you."she said pushing her head back to look at.but i only turn my self away from her.

"B Bbbut..."I was trying to fight another sob that working it's way out of my body.but kelly pulled me up by my shoulder and made me look her straight in the eyes.

"You are Jin Silverfang. Daughter to our Alpha Marcuse Silverfang and luna Lina Silverfang.You are strong and your moto is that you don't take shit from no one and you do what you want. Idiots are a zero tolorence and picking on the week is a big no no!"Kelly said using her strongest and most pride full tone she had.

That last part made me didn't match her when ever she said those silly thing she would add at the end of my moto.

So sniffleing my very last sniffles and whiping away the last of my tears, i thought for a secound .she had a point. I am the alpha daughter and should be acting like one instead of crying my eyes out for some human that has no heart.

"you're right Kelly..."i said to her finally getting my emotion back uncontrolled.this emotional rolloercoaster ride is so over.

"I know i am" Kelly says with a snobby attitude as she cross her arms over her chest and point her nose up wards.

"oh shut up you ass!"I say while pushing her off my bed.

I hear a soft thud and cute growl.

"Now that's the Jin I know! So what are we gonna do about the Apollo Triplets!"She ask me as she pulls herself back up on the bed.

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