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"Invite the captain to do something else then!" Keqing gives the lady advice the following day.

"Like what?" Ningguang asks.

"What does she like to do?"

There are many things that the lady knows about Beidou, but she just wants to get even closer with her. "She loves adventures."

"There you go," Keqing says and snaps her fingers. "You can go on a vacation trip with her!"

"A vacation?" The lady isn't sure of the idea due to her schedule. "I have no time."

"No worries, Lady Ningguang." Keqing assures her. "Leave it to me. You should go!"


"Ah, this lady right here says she wants a little vacation," Beidou confesses to the traveler in the tavern. "I thought we would be hiking and go do exciting stuff. Seems like we have different ideas of vacations."

The lady scoffs. Is she being ungrateful now? In front of the traveler? "Please. I know how much you like to drink, so I chose this tavern." 

"Is that so?" The captain raises her chin. "Quite thoughtful of you."

"Of course."

"Anything you like to order?" The traveler asks.

"A large beer," the captain says.

"I will have a small cocktail, thank you," says the lady.

Soon enough, their drinks arrive and in no time, the captain chugs down her large glass of beer. "Easy now," Ningguang looks at her. "You would not want to get drunk that quick now, would you?"

Beidou laughs. "Never underestimate the captain, lady," she points to herself. "This captain right here has a high alcohol tolerance." 

The captain raises her glass and calls for the traveler. "I would like a second glass, please!"

The traveler hands her a second glass of beer. Compared to the captain, the lady takes her precious time drinking her cocktail. She's not that much of a heavy drinker. She's afraid she'll get drunk by this small glass.

Ningguang examines the captain. She appears happier than ever. "I made the right decision of going to this tavern," she tells Beidou.

"Yeah, not too shabby." Beidou lifts her glass and drinks almost half of it. "We still better go hiking or exploring tomorrow though."



Beidou finishes her glass. It's quite impressive how she can keep going. The size of the glass is massive. 

On the captain's third glass, she slowly begins to flush. Beidou begins to sway on her seat. The lady finds this funny. "You're beginning to get drunk." 

"Pft. No I'm not," the captain drinks right after speaking. "See? I'm completely fine."

"I'll buy that for now," the lady says. She finishes the last sip of her cocktail. She can feel the alcohol kicking into her system. It's a bad thing. She might suddenly blurt out things.

Goodness… What is the alcohol percentage in this? the lady wondered.

Beidou suddenly gets up from her seat and sways in front of the lady. Her sudden laughter brings music to the lady's ears. She's definitely drunk.

"Who's in charge of the music here?!" the captain roars out. Everyone in the tavern turns to the noisy captain.

"Beidou, there is no music playing," the lady laughs. She's probably drunk too.

"Exactly!" the captain smacks the table, causing the glasses to shake. "We need music! Hey traveler!"

The traveler appears from the counter. "Yes, captain?"

"Play some music! I'm feelin' pumped!"

The traveler giggles and nods. Soon enough, music begins to play. It sounds like there's a festival going on.

Eventually, the other drunken visitors begin to dance along. So did the captain. Beidou holds her hand out to Ningguang. "Join me, Lady Ningguang." She gives her a warm smile.

The lady takes her hand and they drunkenly dance to the rhythm. Ningguang can't help but laugh at how energetic the captain is. She's having so much fun.

Beidou takes the lady's hands and swings her joicefully. Feeling how warm her hands are, makes the lady's heart beat faster. She would never want to let go of her touch.

Suddenly, Ningguang accidentally trips on her movements and tumbles on top of the captain.

"Oh~!" they fall hard to the ground.

The captain simply laughed. "You're so clumsy." She says in a soft voice and stares into her eyes. "Look who's drunk now."

It is the perfect moment for a kiss.

Would she even like it?

Does she even feel the same way about her?

Ningguang whispers, "you know what? I think I am."

And she kisses her lips so gently.

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