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"Lady Ningguang. Always busy as ever. Don't you ever take a break?" Beidou says as she hands over mora on the lady's desk.

"Listen, captain," the lady hisses and glares at her. "I am trying to sort out for this year's lantern rite festival. Of course I will be busy." She continues to rummage through her piles of papers.

Beidou lets out a breath. "Right. But does this matter seriously need to be in your hands? I mean, come on, you can't be doing all the work."

Ningguang taps the stacked papers neatly onto the table. "This does not concern you." She says. "If you are done paying your fines, you may leave."

Usually, the lady enjoys the captain's presence a lot. The captain just came at the wrong time, where Ningguang is feeling the most stress. When she's in this state, it's better to leave her alone until she sorts things out.

"Now hold on a second." The captain extends her hand, stopping the lady's actions to look at her. "Before I leave, let's talk about the next time we play chess."

Sometimes, Ningguang can't believe that she's the woman she adores so dearly.

"Beidou, we can discuss that another time," the lady glowers.

"Why not now? I'm right here anyways."

The lady sighed. "It's not my priority right now. I have too many things on my mind and you are distracting me." She looks down upon her desk, feeling the pressure on her temples.

The captain backs up from the lady's desk, as she clearly can see that she has stressed her out. "Alright. Fine. Sorry. I'll just come back another day." And she leaves her office.

Ningguang waits and waits for the next few days for the captain to return. Not once did she come back.

One day, they meet up with the traveler and discuss who will take responsibility for handling the large stone on the ground. The lady is quite surprised to see that the captain is there, along with Xianling and Keqing. She hasn't seen Beidou in quite a while. All that the lady and the captain ever did is bicker to each other in a way. 

The lady leaves the area… although, not completely.

She decides to listen in on the conversation between the traveler, Beidou, Xinyan, and Xiangling. 

However… she immediately leaves right after hearing, "Ugh… Ningguang… I am sick of hearing that name," coming out of her dear captain's mouth.

Is it true?

But if she was sick of her, why did she want to play chess with her again? Although again, she did not appear back at the Jade Chamber to discuss the next game. 

The lady is obviously hurt, but as she is whom everyone looks up to, she has to suck it up.

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