chapter 82

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Year 5.

Third Person Pov.

"how much further" Umbridges voice cracked.
"not far" Hermione peeped.
all of them breathing heavily.
"it has to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally." at this point Hermione was pulling things out of her arse, Harry would not stop looking over at her, trying to act subtle.
when Umbridge wasnt looking he began talking to Hermione as quiet as possible.
"what are you doing?"
"improvising" she replied.
it was dark in the forest, and very gloomy, you couldn't see very far due to the fog.

"well?" Umbridge spoke up, making the two turn.
"where is this weapon..." she looked at the both of them before speaking up again.
"there isn't one, is there?"
Hermione moved to stand next to Harry.
"you were trying to trick me." the realization hit.
Hermione and Harry standing so close they could hear each other's heavy breathing.
she stood looking at them, her face twitching.
"you know..." her wand pointed at their faces.
"i really hate children. you really are the most.. untidy creatures. Lord knows i've tried to help you. to instill discipline and respect for the decorum." bullshit. they both thought.
"i've tried my very best to bring order. But at every turn, i've been assailed by chaos."
she raised her voice.
"i mean, look what you've done to me!"
Hermione and Harry stared, their eyebrows furrowed, their breath shaky.
"i really cannot take it anymore."

'what was she going to do?' they thought.
maybe kill them out of pure anger, it wouldn't be much of a shock coming from her.
"uh, but i must. Authority must be upheld. sometimes the ends do justify the meanings. exactly no one could blame me. and if it falls to me to sort out. yes. to tie up a new sense, then so be it" she was heavily gasping for breath, her voice shaky, Hermione backed farther behind Harry now, looking at him with worry in her eyes.

"for the greater good... i will do... what must be done." she said, raising her wand up closer to their faces, a loud creak stopped her, she turned frantically, backing behind Hermione and Harry at the sight of many many Centaurs staring her down.

her lips quivered.
"you have no business in being here Centaur. this is a Ministry matter." she said, her voice clearly shaky.
they began walking forwards, pulling on their bows and pulling out arrows, pointing them directly at Umbridges face from afar.

"Lower you weapons." she demanded.
"i warn you, under the law as creatures of near-human intelligence-"
they let go, the arrow shooting directly at Umbridge, she was to fast, she used the Protego spell, Harry ducked in a panic.

"How dare you?" she spat, acting high and mighty.
"filthy half-breed! Incarcerous!" she shouted.
worry on the other two fifth years faces.

she began choking the Centaur with a rope, wrapping tightly around its form.
the others panicked as it fell to the ground, rolling through the leaves and dirt that brushed onto the others feet.
Hermione couldn't help but rush to help, trying to pull the rope away from the Centaur.

she turned to beg for Umbridge to quit her evil doings.
"please! please stop it! please!"
"now enough!" she shouted, her head shaking her mouth quivering.
"i will have order!" her voice cracked.

Harry looked up from behind her, not warning her because why would he.
Umbridge was picked up by the giant known as Grawp.
she screamed at the sudden movement, panicking up in the air trying to wiggle her way free.
all the Centaurs began racing down the hill, the other one escaping free form the rope which choked him.
"you filthy animal!" Umbridge shouted.

they all rushed to grab ahold of her feet angrily.
"leave him alone! it's not his fault! no, he doesn't understand!" Hermione shouted as they all attacked the giant.

he dropped Umbridge onto the ground, letting all the Centaurs grab ahold of her.
"Potter, do something. tell them i mean no harm!" she shouted, all of them picking her up.
"i'm sorry, Professor." Harry said, clearly no sympathy at the sight.
"but i must not tell lies."
"what are you doing?" Umbridge cried as they all pulled her through the leaves, up and away, her perfectly pink outfit coated in filth.
"i am Senior Undersecretary Dolores Jane Umbridge!" she continued on and on, which no one cared about because they still carried her away.
she continued with her pointless shouting.
Harry and Hermione staring.

"thank you Grawp." Hermione spoke as he pulled the arrow from his skin, not feeling any sort of pain whatsoever.
"Hermione. Hermione, Sirius." Harry said, grabbing ahold of Hermiones arm and pulling her to run with him, so they ran through the forest.

Clementines pov.

i eyed Ron across the room.
we had been sitting in this room waiting for the others to come back.
whatever Hermiones plan was, we didn't know, but we hoped it was good enough.

Ron adjusted awkwardly clearing his throat, shoving his hand into his trouser pocket, i furrowed my brows.
Draco and the others stared him down.
"i'm just hungry" Ron said, pulling out Puking Pastilles.
i was confused for a moment, why the hell would he eat those, is he an idiot?
the others snatched them from Ron's hands, handing them over to Draco as he inspected them.
"piss off" Draco said, shoving one into his mouth, i smirked, everyone around the room trying to hide their devious smirks.

one of them made a foul face, putting his hand on his chest.
i bit back my smile.
"what were these?!" Draco panicked, trying to keep down whatever was in his throat.
"dunno" Ron shrugged.

and before we knew it all of them began vomiting all over the office, on the floors and spewing all over everything that was pink.
i began laughing at the sight, i didn't feel bad at all, they deserved it.

Ron stood up, the others as well, all of us rushing out the room.
i followed closely behind, you could still hear them puking up their insides.
we all giggled running down the steps.
but the panic of Harry and Hermione being alone with Umbridge set in.


"where are we off to?" i breathlessly said.
"to find the others" Ron shouted back, all of us running through the halls, past students who were staring at us like we were mad men.


we met up with Harry and Hermione on the bridge, the sun poking through the dark clouds.
"How'd you get away?" Hermione asked.
"Puking Pastilles. it wasn't pretty" Ginny spoke.
"told them i was hungry, wanted some sweets, of course, they told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves." Ron smiled.
Harry and Hermione smiling back, Harry looking over at me as Hermione praised Ron, i smiled at Harry.

"Has been known to happen" Ron said, trying to hide his smile.
"it was brilliant!" Neville exclaimed.
"so, how are we getting to London?" asked Neville, the question we've all been wondering.
Harry shifted awkwardly.
"look it's not that i don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you. but, i've got you into enough trouble as it is" Harry said, as he pushed past us and began walking off, i furrowed my brows, wondering if i should chase after him or not.
but Neville spoke up.

"Dumbledores Army's supposed to be about doing something real." Harry turned around to face us.
"or was that all just words to you?"
we all stared at him intensely.
"maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself mate" Ron spoke.
"we're a team" i said.
Harry looked at all of us, seriously considering.
he inhaled.
"so how are we going to get to London?"
everyone looked around at each other.

"we fly of course." Luna smiled.

1317 words.


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