chapter 6

22 2 2

year 2

siting at the window again, seems like a hobby at this point.
fire, one thing i always thought about after that past memory of me and my older brother.
just, studying up about the weird vision i had, it must have been a childhood memory.

i wouldn't stop thinking about my brother though, how it's been so long since i've seen him, and my father, i think everyone would call me crazy for over analyzing a dream, but it just felt way to real.

i sighed, closing the book that was resting in my lap, i rested my chin on my palm as i stared at the frost coated window, the snow piling up on the ground.

tomorrow was my last day as a second year, which means i don't get to see my friends until next year, nor do i get too be in the library.

i heard footsteps slowly walking towards me, i turned around and met eyes with Harry.
oh gosh.

"hey" he shyly whispered, sitting next too me.
not this again.
"hi" i hummed back.
don't embarrass yourself like last time Clementine.
i cringed.

"this is what you choose to do on your second to last day of being at Hogwarts" he chuckled softly.
i nodded.
honestly i felt weird hanging out with Harry, mainly because i knew he didn't like me the way i liked him.

"yeah, it's my favorite place" i sighed.
"are you okay?" Harry asked me.
why is everyone asking me that, he asked me that last time.
"i'm- im fine" i reassured him, not making eye contact as he stared at me.
"oh- okay" he looked out the window.

i looked over at him for a split second before looking back out the window.
i should go before i embarrass myself.

i stood up and looked into Harry's eyes.

"i'm gonna- i'm gonna go find Sage and Hallie"
i smiled at him.
he nodded, i quickly sped walk out of the library.

Hallies pov

"it's his eyes Hallie the warm brown"
Sage mumbled, going on and on about the chocolate eyes.
"can u stop talking about Fred for at least, once?" i raised a eyebrow.
she rolled her eyes.
"and his hair- oh my-" she trailed off.
"Sage- shut up" i joked.
she frowned jokingly.
"don't even get me started on-"
"stop." i stood up from the table, grabbing my books and walking off.

"Hallie, do you know where Sage is?" Fred asked, tapping my shoulder.
i turned to face him and pointed over at Sage.

he smiled and walked towards her.
she smiled at him and obviously blushed, i could tell from a mile away.
i turned around and walked off.

"hey! Hallie- Hallie-" i heard behind me, and footsteps quickly approaching.

i turned around, Clementine leaned over, catching her breath.
"hey Clemen" i smiled.
she stood up straight, a confused look.

"where is Sage?" she asked, looking around.
"with her boyfriend" i smirked.
"wait- boyfriend?!" Clementine panicked.
i burst into laughter.
"no- no- Clemen- i'm joking" i reassured her.
she nodded, letting out a little laugh.
"they aren't actually dating" i smirked.
"yet.." i said finishing my sentence.
Clementine scoffed, a smile pulling on her lips.

"anyways- did you need me and Sage?" i asked her.
"no- well kind of- yes... but if Sage is spending time with Fred..."
"what happened with Harry?" i raised a brow, knowing it was all about Harry obviously.

she sighed, slouching her body in relief.
"well- i think it's super awkward between us" she looked to the side.
i nodded.
"is it because you have a crush on him?" i asked.
"no it's- it's a different type of awkward... and i don't want to come back to Hogwarts with everything being awkward" she stared at her shoes.

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