The Two of You Got Closer

Start from the beginning

"I completely agree." He was smiling now but I could see the hurt he felt. Not from me, but at the thought of losing the friendship we had. We sat for a minute longer, soaking in the quiet and companionship we shared before he spoke up again.

"I love you too, you know, and Chris. It's another reason I knew I could come here. The fact that I didn't know what to do, it made me come here knowing you would tell me. I knew you'd take care of me no matter what I'd done or missed because of the bond we have. I hope you know how much you mean to me. Do you really forgive me? How can you do that so quickly? I know it's just who you are, but I was such an asshole."

"Because I know you won't do it again."

"You don't know that though."

Reaching across the table, I placed my hand over his and squeezed before speaking. "I do know that because if you attempt anything even remotely similar, I will personally kick your ass."

Sebastian laughed loudly as I brought my hand back to take another sip of coffee and saying what I really meant. "Seriously though, I don't think you would ever do this again. It's taken a lot out of you physically, mentally, and emotionally. I think you also saw what it's done to the friends you have who care so much about you. Georgetta was worried too. You have such a kind and gentle soul, and you care way too much about what others think of you. I think that's what made you snap out of whatever funk you were in. You realized you weren't being Sebastian Stan, you were being whatever it was she wanted you to be. Yeah, we all paid the price, and I don't think you'll do it again because you saw what your actions did to us. That's how I know. You're a good man Sebastian, I will never let you forget that."

He smiled before looking down bashfully. That hand came up and combed through his long hair like it always has since I've known him. It's one of the things he does when he is trying to take a compliment but doesn't know what to say to it. I've even seen him do it in interviews. I wasn't going to give in though, I sat there, saying nothing else. He finally took that move and spoke, "Thank you. I do try, but like you said, I'm only who I am because of the people I surround myself with, and you have become one of the biggest reasons why, ever since I met you in person that weekend."

It was my turn to blush a little, but I smiled at him and threw a wink his way before speaking softly. "Don't you ever forget it."

His whole demeanor changed suddenly, perking up and sitting straight as he spoke in a whole new tone, more excited. "So, tell me how Chris proposed."

"Well, it was not when he meant to, but he already had a ring. He apparently had the ring for months before he riposted."


"Yeah.  Scott knew and Chris had told his family.  He had already asked my dad and Y/K/N for permission."

Sebastian laughed.  "Permission?  Like you'd wait for permission if you wanted to be married to him."

"Yeah, Scott said the same thing, but I thought it was sweet.  Anyway, back to the story.  So Scott had him turn around for me to walk in so he could record Chris' reaction to my dress."

"I have to interrupt again.  I saw the pictures, and you looked gorgeous."

"Well thank you Mr. Stan, that means a lot, but you kind of have to say that as one of my best friends and as someone still trying to kiss my ass."

He knew I was joking, making him chuckle.  "All truth, but you never look terrible anyway."

"Yeah, that's not true but back to the story.  When Chris turned around, he didn't say anything.  He tried to a few times, but nothing came out.  So, I was getting nervous and asked him to just say something.  That's when he said just two words.  Marry me."

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