Chapter 5 ~ The parents

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A week later, Zhongli was now the babysitter for them in return for food and shelter. He didn't mind, missing his younger sister and his kids dearly. He had become accustomed to living with Childe, the 2 now quite close. Zhongli was waiting for Childe to come back when a knock on the door caught his attention. He cautiously stood up. It could be Childe or maybe his kids found him or...No. Brushing away all the doubt he had, he stood up and peered through the crack in the door. It definitely wasn't Baizhu as he didn't wear black shiny heels or red hiking boots. As he was about to open it, there was a bit of a commotion outside. 3 voices, 2 women and a male's were heard. Zhongli, curious, slowly opened the door. There, Childe was waiting on his front steps. Beside him were 2 women, one with a white bun and one with her brown hair in a high ponytail.

"Mom?" Zhongli's eyes widened in shock at the 2 women.

"A-Li?" The red eyed brunette stared back at him.

"Oh my archons! A-Li, we were so worried when you didn't text us for months!" The white haired woman ran to him, pulling Zhongli in a tight hug.

"Oh. These are my parents, Beidou and Ningguang." Zhongli told a very confused Childe. He nodded before escorting the 2 women inside. They all got inside and sat comfortably on the couch.

"Where's Teucer?" Childe once again noticed the lack of noise.

"He's asleep as with the rest." Zhongli told him.

"So, I assume you've been taking care of our son? A-Li, did he kidnap you?" Ningguang raised an eyebrow.

"No, mom! I was running away?"

"Only for the past week or so. He's been helping me look after my younger siblings."

"Wait, running away? Then, A-Li, what about...him?" Beidou asked her son, cautious to not frighten Zhongli as she saw the way he tensed up at the mention of Baizhu. Childe felt this was a family problem that he had no right to invade on.

"If you want me to leave, then I will." Childe stood up but was stopped when someone grabbed his hand.

"No. I think it's best if you stay. You need to know." Zhongli seemed almost guilty at saying this. Childe complied and sat down again.

"So?" Ningguang pressed on.

"H-He...did this." Zhongli rolled up one of his pant legs, revealing many injuries, some fresh, some still healing. Just as he was about to explain further, his phone rang. "Oh shit."

With trembling fingers, Zhongli picked up the call.

"Zhongli...ZHONGLI DEI YOU GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" Baizhu was yelling through the phone. The other 3 people just sat there in shock at what was going on. Raising his hands, Zhongli placed them over his ears, trying his best to stop shaking. Then, it all stopped. Ningguang had ended the call, fuming with rage.

"A-Li...I'll call Yanfei." Ningguang took out her phone and dialed their local lawyer. Beidou instinctively hugged Zhongli.

"Don't worry kid. Mama's gonna fuck up those monsters." The brunette murmured to her son. Childe just watched them, feeling shocked at what had just happened.

C: So, he was abused by his husband?

Childe took a closer look at Zhongli's hand. True enough, a simple gold ring was present. Well, not anymore. Slowly easing it off, Zhongli placed the ring down on the coffee table in front of him. There was a lot of talking before Ningguang and Beidou had to leave.

"We'll come visit you soon." Ningguang kissed her son's forehead before walking off with Beidou. Childe waited for the brunette to come back into the manor.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Childe was leaning against the wall. But instead of talking, Zhongli just went up to him and let his head rest in the crook of his neck. His siblings had done this one too many times and he knew that all Zhongli needed right now was some silent comfort.

"Thank you...Childe..." The brunette whispered. Childe just chuckled as he rubbed Zhongli's back. Noticing how late it was, Childe led the brunette to his own bedroom and left once again. Now alone, Zhongli began to worry about his kids again. Maybe he could ask Childe to help him. But what if Baizhu was there? Tears fell down his face as he thought of what could happen to them. Rubbing his eyes, Zhongli heaved a sigh before distracting himself with his hair. Eventually, exhaustion caught up to him and he fell asleep.

"Where is he?" An ever so familiar figure approached 3 terrified silhouettes, 2 females and a male. Zhongli seemed to be observing from a corner of the room.

"We don't know." The blue haired girl teared up at the sight of him.

"LIES!" The green haired figure hit her, causing the girl to fall in pain. The reddish brunette ran to her aid.

"We don't know! Even if we did, why would we tell you?" The dark haired boy growled at him. He stood in a protective stance in front of the 2 women.

"This is all you're doing, isn't it?"  The figure hit the boy, making him fall to his knees. Zhongli was standing in the corner, helpless. He screamed their names and tried to move but couldn't.
Words: 903

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