Chapter 1 ~ How it all started

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"Zhongli, will you marry me?" A green haired male was on one knee, a simple gold band twinkling in the sunlight. His gold eyes were crinkled in happiness as he just proposed to the love of his life. The brunette stared at him awkwardly, thinking about how this would go. They weren't even dating.

"Um..." Zhongli fiddled with his fingers. He stared at the desperate look on the green haired male's face and instantly felt bad if he said no.

Z: Well, I know Baizhu's rich. We are close friends so that adds another layer to it. Maybe I don't have to love him now but I can grow to love him? Just say yes.

"Yes." Zhongli answered, still unsure of his decision. Immediately, a hand grabbed his own and pulled him close, slipping a ring on in the process. Baizhu held his waist and had a sinister smile on his face, in contrast to Zhongli's nervous one.

"Good choice." The green haired male whispered into Zhongli's ear. The brunette hoped he had made the right decision.

9 months later

"I now pronounce you, husband and male wife." Venti was at the altar, being the priest for the 2. Baizhu pulled Zhongli towards him, kissing him passionately. Zhongli gave in, faking his happiness. He had not fallen in love with him throughout the 9 months they spent engaged. But what's done is done. When they pulled apart, Zhongli strained a smile, hoping Baizhu wouldn't see through the act.

"Ah, I love you Zhongli." Baizhu sighs into his shoulder. Zhongli chuckles nervously as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I love you too." He hoped he'd mean it one day.

2 months after they got married, Zhongli was actually beginning to love Baizhu. He was a good moral support and he wouldn't mind Zhongli ranting to him about the many stories he had. Xiao, Ganyu, Hu Tao and Qiqi all moved in as Zhongli acted as their main caretaker when they were younger and he was practically their parent. The family moved to Snezhnaya as a pharmacy was needed there.

"Excited love?" Baizhu squeezed Zhongli's hand. Zhongli nodded, breathless from everything going on. To reassure the brunette, Baizhu gave him a small peck on the cheek. Zhongli giggled before they boarded the plane, the kids following them.

"Xiao? You've been glaring for 5 minutes straight." A girl with light blue hair tied back in a messy ponytail placed a hand on her brother's back.

"I don't trust him." The boy was tugging at his fluffy black hair with teal highlights, scowling at Baizhu, who was listening to Zhongli talk about what he knew about Snezhnaya.

"Well, it's not like he bites." A girl with reddish brown ponytails leaned on Xiao's shoulder. Admitting defeat, they relaxed for the rest of the journey. Once they arrived at the penthouse Pantalone, Baizhu's twin, bought for them, Zhongli immediately began to unpack, telling Baizhu to go on with his work. Xiao went to help his dad as Ganyu and Hu Tao went to settle the youngest, Qiqi. It had been a long flight and they all needed rest but there are some things that just need to be done at the moment.

"I'll see you later tonight, alright love?" Baizhu was about to leave for work. Zhongli saw him off, excited to see his husband when he got home for the night. As the green haired male left, Zhongli went back into the house. He planned to do almost nothing besides take care of the kids as he was supposed to. Instead, he received a text from his ex Osial. They were on good terms and both of them remained friends after the relationship. But ever since Osial moved, they lost contact with each other.


O: Morax? You free today?

Z: Yes. I have nothing to do today.

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