
Finally, after 3 hours of torture, we arrived at the campsite. My bus was the first to be released.

Dominic and Brittney found each other immediately and Brittney attached herself to him.

"I'm gonna miss you, Dom." She pouted as she batted her eyelashes.

"Aw, it's ok, baby. We'll be together soon," Dominic replied as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

I mentally gagged. Definitely didn't need to hear and see that.

I turned around, and there stood Nicole with a smile. "You ready to reveal your identity?"

Am I? "Definitely not."

"Well tough luck hun, cause we are being separated into partners now."

Crap. Why so soon?

"Ok, seniors. Find your partner, and build your tent! If you can't find your partner, please real free to ask for assistance."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Dominic walk over to the announcer.

"Isabella Skye, please report to me immediately."

Here goes nothing.

I walked over to the announcer. "Yes?"

"Are you Isabella?"

I looked directly at Dominic's stunned face, "yes, yes I am."

"Great. I see you brought a tent. Please go and assemble it."

I nodded and Dominic followed. "Nerd? That's what you meant? You get bullies attention,"

"Mmhmm, and you're one of them."

I took all of the parts out of the bag and looked at the directions.

"Do you know how to do this?" I was so lost, hopefully he knew how to do this.

"Of course."

He began to tell me what to help him with. I helped connect the poles while he assembled them into the correct position. Soon enough, the tent was up. I brought a tent that was huge and had a divider in the middle, so it was basically 2 rooms.

I put my belongings into the tent and set up my sleeping bag. I brought some extra blankets just in case.

"Do you know if we're doing anything today?"

Dominic shrugged. "I think they mentioned that we could just roam around and get to know put partner."

I reluctantly nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back."

I needed to talk to Nicole. She had her tent right next to mine. "Nicole, I need to talk to you."

"What's up, Bella?"

"Why do we have to share a tent with our partners? It's awkward. Plus, he's a boy!"

Dominic waltzed up from behind me, "Actually, I prefer to be reffered to as a man."

"Is there anything assigned for today?"

Nicole shrugged. "I heard them say that you just had be hang out with your partner. "

"Okay, I'm so not ready for this."

I went over and sat down on the bench. Dominic was with Brittney and they were soon separated and told to go to their partners.

"Ready to go, pal?"

What did he just call me? "Excuse me?"



"Oh gosh. Never mind, let's just go," I groaned.

Why must guys be so complicated?

We walked around the entire site in an awkward silence.

"I can't believe your Isabella. The Isabella that I've been bullying since elementary,"

"Well believe it. This is the new me." I snapped getting defensive.

After that, things got quiet.

"Look, I didn't mean to snap, it's just I-"

"No, it's ok. I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have said it so frankly,"

"It's getting late. I'm gonna head in and get some shut eye. Goodnight, Dominic."

"Goodnight, Isabella."

Hmm... maybe this won't be to bad.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Nicole.

To : Bestieee

Hey, interesting day with Dominic. How was your day with Brittney?

From : Bestieee

Horrid. How was the hunk?

To : Bestieee

Not good, not bad. I snapped. I'll tell ya tomorrow, nighty night!

From : Bestieee

Ohhh you better, girl! Goodnight!

First day of transformation ; complete.

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