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it started when he was 11. he was in 5th grade, and he had this friend. steve blade. just a friend. because friends want to kiss, and live together, right? it was then that connor learned that this wasn't normal.
he tried turning it off. he really did. connor eventually gave up and told his parents about how he felt. he had no idea how much of a strain it would put on their relationship. he sat them down at the dinner table as his mom was laying the table one evening, took a deep breath and said,,
"mom,, dad,, i think i'm gay,"
he didn't eat anything that night. all that happened was that he was yelled at, called a fag, and his parents made the promise to move as far away as soon as possible.
when they moved, his parents made sure that connor didn't make any friends outside of church.
he ended up not making any friends. he didn't fit in there. no matter how hard he tried to fit into the perfect little straight mormon boy mould, he just couldn't.
he wanted to. he really did. but he couldn't.

one day, years later, connor was at starbucks and drinking a strawberry açai refresher (a/n: that's 100% his go to order. i don't think he'd order anything else) using up the little freedom he had and cooling down from a particularly bad argument.

it was then that he realised he was 17 now. he could leave home, and be free from his parents clutches. he was gay, and didn't need to owe anyone an apology for it.
he walked home, and opened the kitchen doorway.
"mom, dad. i'm gay. and y'know what? i don't care what you do to me because it's my life, and i can't change the fact that i like boys," he said, boldly, and his father looked at connor like he'd never looked at him before. sure, he'd get extremely pissed at him, but this was on another level,
"connor, pack your bags. you're going to camp newgrace,"

a/n: hello! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i'll probably write chapter 2 rn bc im kinda in the mood for it lol.

accountabilibuddyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora