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Alexa stood in the flat.  She looked to Carla.  Unable to comprehend what she had been told. Her whole life had been a lie and she didn't know what to think.

"I was young when I had you. Lola was ill. It got too much. I was alone and I was young. I couldn't cope and my parents said that they look after you temporarily. That I'd sign my rights over and when I got on my feet and Lola was better they'd give you back. They didn't. They kept saying it wasn't the right time. That you were their child. I should be thankful as I had Lola. That if I didn't stop, they'd take her too. I was scared Lex. I didn't want any of this. I was young and confused. It was only meant to be a few weeks. Not a lifetime," Carla said as Alexa looked to her in shock. She didn't know what to think.

It was all a mess and she hated it. "So you didn't just give me away?" Alexa asked. 

"No. I let them look after you. Lola was ill when she was born. I had to be there for her. I would never give you up. I was tricked into it all. I'm sorry that I never told you it got harder. I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this," Carla said as Alexa looked to her and smiled.

Alexa knew it was a mess. She didn't know what to think. All that she knew was that things were complicated.


Alexa sat in the cafe. She smiled as Lola walked in. Lola looked to her and smiled.  "Hey. I heard mum told you the truth about it all. I wanted to see if you were okay?" Lola asked.

Alexa looked to her and sighed.  "Did you know?"

"I found out like an hour ago. She told me after she told you . It sucks what they did. Maybe if I died as a baby she could have kept you. And you wouldn't have gone through this," Lola said.

Alexa looked do her. She frowned.  "Don't say that. You're my best friend. My sister. I don't know how I'd cope if you weren't here. I'm glad that you didn't die. We will be okay," she said.

Lola looked to her and smiled.  "As long as you're okay. That's all that matters," she said as Alexa looked to her and smiled.

Knowing none of it was easy.


Alexa walked over to Adam. She smiled as she handed him her bag. She knew how she had to get away for a few days as it was all getting to hard.

"Are you sure about this?" Adam asked.

Alexa looked to him. She smiled. "I am more than sure. My life has been a mess lately. I need to get away. I need to clear my head," she said as he looked to her and smiled.

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close as he leant in. He kissed her and smiled. "It's all going to be okay," he said as she looked to him and smiled.

Hoping that he was right.

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