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Airachnid made a beckoning call to one of her Insecticons. One of them came over without hesitation. He swayed to and fro as if he was unbalanced. Airachnid places a servo against an armor plate before tearing it off with all her strength. The Insecticon screeched its pain as he pulls away. He doesn't run off as he is loyal to his queen. He waits to be dismissed which he is. He bows before trudging off with purple energon leaking from the tear. 

"It's been years after that wretched Soundwave banished me here. Leaving me nothing but my army of Insecticons. They've all been infected and now...I need to bigger my nest," She hisses 

Airachnid looks around as she continues to bring scraps of junk towards this tower. She climbs on top of it as she uses her webbing to keep it together. Airachnid has managed to make something out of these items bestowed to her. She hums a hitch pitch tune as she work. She screwed a bolt there and fixed the wiring here. 

"Finally, this had better work otherwise I might just take a that risk in jumping into the void of space," She mutters

Airachnid connects a tube to the satellite dish of the tower. She slowly settles herself on the ground as she looks at the blinking light it was emitting. She smirks as she knew that her plan would finally be in action. All she had to do was wait. 


ThunderFuse zoomed pass the cars as he was fighting for first place. He was slowly catching up to his greatest rival, Blurr. He pushes down on the gas even more as to try and gain some torque. ThunderFuse felt that he was burning out but wasn't ready to give up just yet. He had to win this one. He soon receives an incoming comm. He decides to answer as he wondered if who it was. 

"Hello?" He asks questionably 

Fury says, "You call that driving? I saw Alpha Trion busting a sixty."

"Har, har, har, you're certainly cracking down on me. What gives? I'm about to fly past Blurr here," ThunderFuse retorts

He swerves around a turn as he boosts his speed a little. He was still behind a few klicks behind but he was very hopeful that things would finally go his way. 

Fury snorts, "Not with that kind of drifting. The more drag you give equals more time on your end."

"You're distracting me," ThunderFuse answers drily 

Fury huffs, "Good thing I brought some moral support, eh. All of our friends our here. TreadDrive, SkyFusion, and Arcee..."

ThunderFuse sort of shakes on the road as he loses his friction. He loses his distance as well which makes him a bit frustrated. He slows down and regains himself before zooming forward towards the finish line. 

"Don't lose your grip now," Arcee comments

ThunderFuse says, "Hey Arcee! I uh, that was intentional."

"Uh huh. Look if you win, I owe you a drink. Sound fair?" Arcee says 

ThunderFuse shouts, "Yeah sure! Let me just..."

ThunderFuse revs his engine as he drives past Blurr. He burns rubber over the finish line and transforms. He pants on one knee plate as he sees Blurr following close behind. Blurr also transforms as he stretches his joints. ThunderFuse smiles as he couldn't believe it. He actually won against Blurr. 

Fury and the others came as they were also proud of him. TreadDrive pulls ThunderFuse in for noogie. SkyFusion applauds quietly. 

"Say why don't we go for a drink? It's on me," TreadDrive offers

SkyFusion mumbles, "Yeah, couldn't hurt."

They all left the race track to go drink at Swerve's. They were chattering about the race as ThunderFuse was still basking in his recent victory. They were all celebrating for some reason. Fury just got promoted to officer with the Autobots. SkyFusion had her data pad accepted to join the league of reporters. TreadDrive had submitted an architecture drawing to Council which is under review. 

"Things are going good for us," TreadDrive says

Fury nods, "Yup, it looks like we have a bright future ahead of us..."

Back with Airachnid... 

Airachnid soon hears the sound of an approaching ship. Her audio receptors perk. She didn't expect the rescue to have come so soon. Well, not that she was complaining either way. She was grateful for this opportunity and just took it. 

Airachnid sprung from the ground as she landed against a thin tower of rock. She climbs it to its full extent. She stood tall as she waved all of her appendages. She waits patiently before seeing the ship finally making its way towards her. Airachnid smiles more grimly as she scuttles back down. She immediately orders her hive to hide while she lures in their prey. 

The ship finally lands as Airachnid composes herself before hunching over. She drags her leg over as she makes her way to the entrance of the ship. The hatch opens as a blue and green bot makes his way outside. He has a visor covering one part of his optic in order to get enhanced visuals and diagnostics on everything. 

"Hey, you okay? We got your distressed signal and came to check on you," He explains

Airachnid croons, "Oh, no...I've been waiting for so long to be rescued from this dreadful planet. I was left behind by the Decepticons after-"

She takes a look at him more closer. She did not want to make the mistake of making her look sparkless or less worthy of assistance. Airachnid sees that this bot had the Autobot symbol so she had to make it seem that she was a victim. 

"...After I was forced to dutifully serve them for years! I was poorly treated by them all. I have great sympathies for the Autobots but this left me to my demise of being abandoned by them!" Airachnid cries out

Her great acting seemed to have pay off. The bot seemed so moved by her lies that he came over to her side. He wraps an arm around her shoulder plate as he offers her comfort. Airachnid doesn't react as much but it doesn't  blow her cover. 

The bot leads her inside of the ship. Airachnid looks around as she sees that this was a ship full of scientists. She smirks before she immediately launches at the lead scientist. The bot screams and shouts in terror as he tries to fight her off. Airachnid easily overpowers him as she continues to suck the precious fluids from the poor bot's neck cables. 

The Insecticons charged in as well as they attacked the remaining bots. More terrified screams follow as the remaining life was soon extinguished. Airachnid heads for the cockpit of the ship as she settles herself down. 

"Next stop, Cybertron," She says with a dark smile

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