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A three-week suspension wasn’t unusual for the second oldest child of the Wilkerson family. Neither was police intervention.

Kissing a boy, one that he had just beaten to submission, was.

Had it happened in his nightmares? A few times. But this time he wasn’t met by the darkness of his bedroom and an awkward boner. Instead, he was walked into the principal’s office and sat down in a chair. One that might as well have his name carved into it.

In the past, while receiving his compulsory lecture, he would play dumb and deny all accusations. The fireworks that went off in the gym could have been anyones. Someone else put that snake in his locker. But now, the silence on his end was damning.

A few students had gathered around by the time Mr. Herkabe, the school’s dean of discipline, pulled him up by the neck of his t-shirt. Not a lot. Maybe ten or so. But they had all seen the moment he kissed that dude.

They were probably letting the whole school know about it at that very moment. He would have done the exact same thing in their place.

He cursed under his breath. Maybe it’ll turn out like that time he left his lab partner a note on her desk, asking her out. When she, along with everyone else in the class, didn’t even know who he was.

By the time the officers finally came around, he almost didn’t hear them through the buzzing in his ears.

“He’s not pressing charges for some reason. Probably brain damage, by the looks of that face.” It seemed his criminal record wouldn’t be getting another entry. Not that it made much of a difference, considering its already immense size.

Reese tried to reply, but could only manage the slightest nod.

“You got lucky this time, kid. Now come along so we can escort you off the premises. Your dad’s out there waiting for you.”

Crap. What had they told him?

The delinquent wasn’t worried about any punishment his father could dish out. After all, he was far from the family disciplinarian.

No, what put him on edge was Hal finding out he kissed a boy. How was he going to explain that to him?

He kissed me, so I had to fight him off.


See, I was just trying to headbutt him a second time, but my aim was off and my lips landed on his lips. But it wasn’t a kiss!


I thought he was a girl!

Hold on. Wait! It actually was a girl. She just wore her hair on the shorter side. And dressed like a dude. A lesbian! That’s hot.

So what if he felt stubble against his face during the kiss? And who cares that her voice was deeper than his? Or that her features didn’t quite add up as female in his mind? She had to be a girl. She had to be.

The day had gotten more chill. Clouds filtered the blue above and the breeze from before was a bit stronger. There weren’t many people left in the courtyard.

A cop stood on either side of him, but he had no intention of running. The headache was back and his bed was calling, seductively.

Off in the distance, his dad stood next to the family van. His face said, “I’m not surprised by this, but it still shouldn’t have happened.” A far cry from the disgust and embarrassment Reese had been bracing for.

Once in earshot, one of his escorts spoke to Hal. “Make sure you take him straight home. Any more trouble and he’ll be spending the night in a cell.”

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