Chapter 9: Family Reunion

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Year: 1523
Place: Topkapi Palace

*It has been a year since the Massacre happened. Although nothing has happened since then, you still were fearing for your children and you were still in pain as you lost many children. But you decided to turn your life around and live happily for your children. Because many people died in the Harem, there were many girls brought in from different parts of Europe. So you went with Mahidevran Kalfa and Ayşe Kalfa to pick some maids that will look after you and your children.*

Guards POV: Attention! Haseki Medina Sultan!

*You enter the Harem halls and everyone bowed down to you.*

Mahidevran Kalfas POV: Everyone listen up! The Haseki Sultan requests a few young Maids to take care of the children of the Haseki! We will choose 3 Maids!

*A eunuch rushes over  to Mahidevran Kalfa and whispers something to her. Then Mahidevran Kalfa whispered the message to you*

Mahidevran Kalfas POV: Sultanim, the Military commander Hasan Paşa brought a girl here from Bosnia many years ago. She is very skilled and kind. You should maybe take her as one of your Maids.

Medina Sultan's POV: Alright Mahidevran Kalfa, I want to meet her! 

Mahidevran Kalfas POV: Leyla Hatun, come over here!

*You see a shy girl approaching you. She bows down to you.*

*Imagine the hair is blonde*  Medina Sultan's POV: You must be Leyla Hatun, right?

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*Imagine the hair is blonde*
Medina Sultan's POV: You must be Leyla Hatun, right?

Leyla Hatuns POV: Y-Yes S-S-Sultanim!

Medina Sultan's POV: Alright then, it is nice to meet you! You will serve as my personal Servant! You should come with me imediately!

Leyla Hatuns POV: Yes, Sultanim!

Medina Sultan's POV: Ayşe Kalfa and Mahidevran Kalfa, I entrust you to find me 2 other Servants who will take care of the children!

Mahidevran Kalfas POV: Of course Sultanim! We will choose the best ones for you!

Leyla Hatuns POV: We will choose the best out of the best!

Medina Sultan's POV: Alright then, I shall get going!

*You go back to your room with Leyla Hatun.*

Leyla Hatuns POV: Sultanim, do you want some Rose water?

Medina Sultan's POV: Yes please!

*Leyla Hatun goes over to bring you some Rose Water and fills it in a glass cup. Whilst she was bringing it over to you, she tripped and broke the glass. She starts picking up the shards but cuts herself in the process.*

Leyla Hatuns POV: Ouch!

*You run over to her*

Medina Sultan's POV: Leyla! Are you alright? Let me look at your hand!

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