Chapter 1: Taken away

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Information about this Chapter:
Name of the Place: Zvornik(Bosnia)
Year: 1515

*The words that are underlined are a foreign language(for example bosnian)*

*It was a hot summer day in Bosnia. The people were working on the fields or hanging the wet clothes  on the clothing racks*

Marija's Mom: Marija! Come over to help you older Brother make some wine!

Marija: I am coming! You don’t have to tell me twice!

*Marija goes to her brother to make some wine but in the middle of the wine making  process a young village boy is yelling histerically*

Village Boy: The Ottomans are here, hide quickly!

*Everyone starts to panic, including Marija.
Marija and a bunch of other people hide in the church nearby.
Marija's Father,Mother, Older Brother and younger Sister hide in  their house.
Marija watches from the church windows how the houses at the village  get burned.
Everyone hopes that they would be safe from the ottomans but they were wrong.
The ottomans stormed in to the church destorying and killing or kidnapping someone. Marija tried her best to flee from the ottomans but also she was taken away.*

*After all of the murders and kidnappings, the girls were gathered up in a line aged 5-18

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*After all of the murders and kidnappings, the girls were gathered up in a line aged 5-18. The girls who were underage(under 15 years) were taken away as slaves under Hasan Paşa. The ones who were of age(15 and up) were also taken away  as slaves for the new ottoman sultan named Sultan Mehmed.*

*Many weeks passed and Marija was trying to escape almost everyday,but she couldn't. Soon Marija and the other girls arrived at the Topkapi Palace. As soon as they entered they were ordered to be examined to see if the girls were healthy and virgins to be able to bear children of the ottoman dynasty. After the examinations the girls were ordered to take a bath at the Hammam.*

*The girls were then ordered to go to sleep

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*The girls were then ordered to go to sleep.*

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