I could not ask her, for her eyes were not on mine. They stared with fear locked onto them as she looked at our side. I turned my head,
My mother's body hung against the wall pierced by broken furniture.

Blood dripped down to the floor, she did not move. I couldn't hear the beating of her heart.

I covered my sisters eyes as I saw similar fates for the rest of the clan. I choked on the air I held in my lungs, holding in my tears.

Now I have to be strong.

I grabbed Haruhi's hand and ran to the front door. Father's body leaked red blood, as I passed it magnetized to me, his blood would give me strength. It clung to me and absorbed into my skin. It only happened in a split second, but the feeling of my father passing his life force unto me felt like ages. I pushed down my conscience worry and continued to run straight out of our home.

We saw the sky light up again, my skin tingled. An explosion from further in the village echoed though my head. We were running down a path that led to the exit of the village. It was dark, the forest ridden path was hard to navigate as my bare feet broke skin stepping on rocks and branches. Haruhi sobbed next to me.

How could i tell her not to cry? It's all too much to bear. The adrenaline of survival kicked me off, the reason I'm not balled up crying my hearts desire. The sky lit up again, when I looked back, it seems the debris flying through the air very well could have been a second hit to our estate.

I could see patches of our burning village through the trees. What an ugly sight. I clenched my teeth together hoping just a little longer will allow for us to reach the exit.

A figure hopped down from the dark trees. I skid to a stop and held Haruhi behind me. Haruhi was the predecessor and I was her knight.

The figure of a man circled us. Haruhi's sobs were now silenced. She had been frozen with fear. The realization our entire village was being attacked.

The figure lunged at me. My blood rushed to the tips of my fingers and formed a kunai. Its red color shone in the moonlight as I clashed it against his. I could hear him grunt. His long body maneuvered and he swung his foot out. I dodged out of the way pulling Haruhi with me.

Then another figure and another appeared. I gulped as they surrounded us. My hands trembled and I held Haruhi close to me. What could be done here?

One of the figures tore Haruhi's body from mine. Her red kimono was rustled and stained with dirt. Guilt held steady in my heart.

I can't protect her, I'm weak.

One of the men grabbed my arm, I pushed him away. "Stay away!" The men only drew closer and mocked me.

They pulled out a kunai and held it to Haruhi's throat. I froze. The men seemed delighted at my reaction and pulled my body, forcing me to comply. My skin burned as the began to poke at Haruhi, they messed with her kimono attempting to untie it.

My stomach bubbled, my eyes focused on the two men holding Haruhi. "Get away from her!"
As I yelled darts of blood shot from my palms straight into the chests of the men. Haruhi jumped away from them.

The man holding me was surprised. He stumbled over his feet. I stood up straight and held out my palm to his head.

"Wait don't ki-" Before he begged for his life I shot a bullet into his skull. A quick and painless death he didn't deserve, but I was no monster.

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