Draco was still asleep in his bedroom when an owl appeared at the kitchen window, and a letter fell from its beak onto the counter. All that was written on the front of the parchment was Draco's name. The owl departed swiftly, and Harry looked down at it curiously, peering over his shoulder to ensure he was alone before folding it open.

'12pm at the Richmond, room 190. I'm not done with you yet. Fail to show and you'll regret it.'

He stared down at the letter, reading it over and over until the acid words on the parchment sunk in and panic lurched in his chest. Draco was in danger, and Harry knew what needed to be done.


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

The man was sitting on the edge of the bed when Harry kicked the door open. Instantly, he squared up to him, confused as to why The Chosen One of all people had arrived instead of Draco. "Don't tell me you're scrounging money for a quick shag too? Is being a war hero not as glamorous as you'd hoped?"

"I'm not here to please you, you pathetic piece of shit." Harry snapped, "I saw the letter you left for Draco--"

"Ah! I get it now!" The man clasped his hands together with mock enthusiasm, "Let me guess, he peed his little panties at my threat and decided to send the famous Harry Potter to defend him? Surprised you even give a toss about that low-life trash."

"Don't you dare threaten him again, you understand me?"

"Are you shagging him too? Jealous that he's spreading himself for half the wizarding world?" The man paced forward, encroaching on Harry, who stood his ground firmly despite the fear inside. He moved closer, until they were almost chest-to-chest.

"Shut the fuck up--" Harry spat, before the instant hit sent his head snapping to the side as the man hit him across the face, his nose began to bleed. In retaliation, he instinctively drew his wand from his back pocket and bolted forward. "Stupefy!"

The man flew back and slammed against the wall with a sickening thud and Harry held his wand outstretched, trembling but fuelled with adrenaline. It was silent for a while, the dust settling. The man slowly looked up at him, visibly furious.

Before he could retaliate, Harry stormed forward and pressed the tip of his wand against the man's neck causing him to hiss and tilt his head back at Harry's mercy but the threatening smile still lingered over his face, and the man began to snort wickedly with laughter.

"You can tell him the deals off," he rasped, under the press of Harry's wand constricting his throat

"Deal? What deal?"

He sniggered malevolently, grinning with pride as though he'd just won the fight, "Oh this is brilliant! You have absolutely no idea, do you?"

Harry felt his chest sink, waiting for the explanation was painstakingly slow, his nerves were torn to shreds.

"Our little Draco said he was no longer providing himself, bitching and moaning like he thought he had a chance at redeeming his reputation." he scoffed and shook his head, "It was simple really, I told him he gives me what I paid for or I tell the Daily Prophet exactly what he is--"

"-You wouldn't dare," Harry growled, his wand pressing harder into the crook of the man's throat.

The man chuckled, smiling up at Harry, "Oh, don't you worry, I got what I wanted."

Harry's heart slammed and he drew back slightly, "W-what?"

"I fucked him." he spat, baring his teeth with disgusting pleasure, "He cried and begged, it was pathetic really, all that whimpering, telling me 'please! no! I don't want it!', fucking attention-seeking whore. He loved it, only stopped moaning when I silenced him, but I got what I paid for and rightly so."

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