32. Poisoned

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It was a week after valentine's and Theo and Blaise were taking the mick out of them due to finding the pair of then curled up around each other, Harry looked like a cat with his head tucked very nicely and tightly in Draco's neck sending tiny puffs of his breath onto Draco's neck as he slept.

Draco had his arms wrapped around Harry tightly so then he was close and in said position Harry had no nightmares which was nice for once, the two looked so peaceful and content that the to friends thought that they would use it as blackmail mind you it was something that none of them wanted anyone else to see and the picture fell into the hands of the wrong person.

Pansy had seen the picture and was absolutely furious with him, how dare the forsaken, idiotic Potter brat take her true love away from her, she was to be the next Lady Malfoy wherever they liked it or not and she was going to get what she wanted no matter what her parents had to say she would be the future Lady Malfoy, little did she know she was going to do more harm than good.

She had managed to get one of her family's house elves called Pixi to help her with it all and handed the poor thing rather harshly a vial of who knows what and told them to put this in their food not really telling them who it was for and so they listened to what she was saying and so started to drop the potion into the food but little did they know they were putting it into the wrong person's food.

Draco and Harry weren't happy that Blaise and Theo had found them the following morning of their date and that they took a picture of it all and kept laughing but they did it in all good humour they even showed their parents it which made the two blush even more when Narcissa said about planning a wedding for after their 7th year.

Draco knew his mother would go over the top with it all and face palmed with it all, Harry on the other hand whimpered as he had seen his aunt Cissa like that only once since being adopted and it scared him.

As the group of friends ate their breakfast Draco noticed that his food tasted a little strange compared to everything else he even tried Harry's and it was completely different taste and he took no notice something could of turn without the elves knowing which was unlikely but it can happen.

Through out the day of lessons Draco started to feel ill but he just thought that it was a cold or something and so he didn't head to the Hospital Wing like his friends told him to and so the day went on until he was in Charms and coughed this time is was worse than before where he was coughing up blood.


Everyone turned to Harry as he now held an unconscious Draco uniform covered in blood and pale as anything, breathing shallow and fast like he was trying to get as much air as possible and failing.

Pansy was pale it was meant to be for Harry not Draco the damn elf will pay if Draco died.

"Quite!" said Filius as he came over to see what was wrong.

"Get him to Poppy now!" he was worried and looked at Otiz who was now human and he picked him up and ran out of the classroom with Harry behind him, Pansy had snuck out and followed them hoping and praying that Draco would live and that the elf she bullied would next time get the right target.

Otiz burst through the doors of the hospital wing scaring both Severus who had a free period and Poppy as they were working on the weekly list of Potions she would need for the following week.

"DAD HELP!" cried Harry as Otiz put Draco on the bed this made both adults run over to them wondering what was going on and when they noticed Draco this made Poppy pale for a fraction of a second then went into Healer mode and ran to get potions that could help.

"What happened Hadrian?" asked Severus.

"I don't know this morning he said his food tasted funny but he thought it was a one time thing but then through out the day he started to feel worse we tried to get him to got to see Poppy earlier but he said he was fine but then in Charms he started to cough up blood, I'm scared dad" and he went to hug Severus at sixteen he still needed the man more than ever.

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