Chapter 2: Meeting Kohza!

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AN: Map is for your reference.

Chapter 2: Meeting Kohza!

While Luffy started to meet Ace and being chased by Smoker and the Marines, Lucas headed east of Nanohana.

According to the original story, Luffy and the rest would head to Yuba to talk to the rebellions and hopefully convince them to stop the impending war.

However, upon reaching it, they will no doubt find nothing but sand and ruins there except for Toto and that the rebel army had already moved to Katorea, a city east of Nanohana.

Lucas knew about this but didn't say anything to them as he didn't know how else to explain it.

Say that in his world, their whole future is already written and drawn?

Lucas doesn't think that that revelation would not cause anything and Lucas didn't want Luffy's heart to be shaken because of it.

He can only help them to the best they can.

After walking for a bit, he finally saw Katorea.

Lucas looked at the surroundings and saw a few people moving cargoes here and there.

Of course the contents of the cargoes are covered but those were definitely weapons for the rebel army.

He only looked at the direction they were going before heading there himself.

"Please sir!"


Lucas heard a child's scream at a clearing in the front.

"Why not!? I'm fit to join the rebellion! I hate the King! Let me fight with you!"

The child shouted but the man sitting in front of him still shook his head.

"Show him Falafra."


The man beside him nodded and took of the upper part of his clothes.

What was revealed was a gouged out shoulder and a missing right hand!


"He got those wounds protecting me during battle! You want to see the hospital and graveyard too!?"

"I'm not afraid of that stuff!"

The child shouted still.


"One of my friends in the town next to Erumalu is sick! I know...that it's gonna dry up, just like Erumalu did! It's all his fault for stealing the rain! I want to fight too! I'm not afraid of being hurt or dying!"

Lucas watched the situation unfold and can't help but sigh.

"Then...go home. Our opinions disagree. We're all afraid...we don't want to fight."

"Then why are you fighting!? Are you nuts!?"

"Because the battle has started...the country wished it to happen. We don't want to fight, we have to fight. I don't care whether you understand or not...Go home!"


"I told you to leave! This isn't the place for kids!!!"

The man snapped and finally shouted at the kid.

The kid let out tears at the corner of his eyes but didn't cry out as he ran away.

As he ran, he passed by Lucas who was watching at a distance, this caused him to be noticed by everyone else.

"Who're you?"

"Are you, by chance, the leader of this rebel group?"

"What of it? Are you looking to join as well? If so, forget it. Just one look at you and I can tell you haven't been to fights before. You're not even a local here. What do you want?"

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