Chapter 14: Final battle Part 3: Super Sonic vs Dr. Robotnik

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They all slowly started climbing out of the truck's remains, Sonic holding the Emerald.

"You guys okay?" Maddie asks

"Yeah." Tom responds

"I've been through worse." Ash comments

When they got out, they leaned against the truck, Sonic holding the emerald as Robotnik's mech approached very slowly.

"I've got the emerald, we can still defeat him!" Sonic states. "Come on, how does this thing work? What do I do?"

Then, it started losing it's color and crumbling.

"What???" Sonic questioned as the emerald crumbles in his hand. "Nononononononono!!!"

Robotnik's mech wasn't that far away, and it -prepped some ammo for fire.

"Look at the happy little family..." Robotnik comments

Then, the mech shoots fire, surrounding Tom, Maddie, Ash, Greninja, and Sonic in a ring of fire that looked too powerful for Greninja to put out.

"Y-You have to get away from me!" Sonic states. "I'm the one he wants!"

"Hey, we're not going anywhere." Maddie says, grabbing one of Sonic's hands. "We're family."

Sonic looked at Tom and then Maddie.

"And families stick together." Tom says, grabbing Sonic's other hand. "No matter what."

The mech got ready to stomp down, Tom and Maddie willing to die with Sonic since they wouldn't wanna see him die alone or anything long those lines.

"I love you guys." Sonic said

"We love you too, Sonic....." Jaune responds, ready for the worst

Just as the mech was going to squish Sonic, Tom, Ash, Greninja, and Maddie, the emeralds spun in a circle and were absorbed into Sonic's body. Then, the mech's foot smashed down right as everyone else got to the scene.

"NO!!!!!!" Serena called out cried out

After absorbing the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic saw himself in a blank dark space.

"What the??? Where am I?" Sonic questions in his head

Then, much to his confusion, around his feet, there were aura waves rippling out from under his feet, he in fact did have the ability to use aura and the Chaos Emeralds just made it easier as well as giving him a whole new form.

Meanwhile, Robotnik's mech had crushed down on the group, Robotnik feeling victorious.

"I GOT HIM!!!!!!!" Robotnik cheered, ecstatic. "I FINALLY GOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!"

As Robotnik cackled, the mech shook a little and caused him to raise an eyebrow.

"What was that??" Robotnik questions

Back on the ground, now in an all gold form, Sonic was using brute strength to push the robot's foot up, and the one seeming the most shocked and surprised was oddly enough, Ash's Greninja. With Greninja being able to sense a huge amount of aura emanating from Sonic's body in this form, even though by this point Greninja had reverted to his standard form himself.

Then, Sonic shoots through the robot's foot, causing it to stumble back a little. Then, he began shooting around the robot's head, effectively sawing it off. Then, the robot's head fell off entirely and Sonic floats there in front of Robotnik.

"It's over, Eggman...." Sonic commented

"I like the new look, it works for you!" Robotnik responds. "Whaddya say we just let bygones be bygones? I did some things, you did some things, there are good people on both sides."

Sonic glares as Robotnik put a hand behind his back, pushing a few buttons.

"Surely two intelligent beings....." Robotnik starts. ".....can work these things out!!!!"

Then, Robotnik tried to punch Sonic clean out of the sky but Sonic blocks the robot's fist with his bare hand before completely obliterating it.

"Come on, buddy!" Tom called out

"Get him, Sonic!" Maddie adds

"Yeah! Come on!" Tom added further

After obliterating the other fist the robot had, Sonic began shooting back adn forth through the robot, doing massive amounts of damage. After a while, Sonic flew right in front of the robot adn gave it a gentle tap which began putting it off balance.

"Oh, it's like that?" Robotnik questioned, getting a look from Sonic. "Okay, we're not friends!!!"

The robot then began falling backwards, Robotnik with it.

"LATER, HATER!!!!!!!" Robotnik shotus as he falls to the ground

The robot then hits the ground with a loud thud, kicking up a huuuuge dirt and dust cloud.

Then, Sonic drifts down to the ground and everyone went to congratulate him until Knuckles got in the way.

"Wait! You cannot touch him!!!" Knuckles c=states. "The hedgehog holds the power of the emerald. I'm sorry, but he is no longer the Sonic you once knew....."

Sonic lifts a hand into the sky, creating a massive cloud and what does it spawn into hsi hand? A chili dog as he took a bite out of it.

"Oh, you GOTTA try this!" Sonic comments

Sonic snapped his fingers and two chili dogs fellf rom teh sky, landing right on Knuckles's face.

"Okay, he is exactly the Sonic you once knew." Knucles states, standing corrected as he wipes his face off

Then, Sonic shot the emeralds from his body, reverting to normal as the emeralds flew into the distance, and everyone hugged Sonic.

"It's good to be back in blue!" Sonic says as everyone finished hugging him. "The golden god thing was fun, but blue has always been more my color."

"Looks god on you." Tom comments

"Sonic, you were the most powerful hero in the universe." Tails says. "yet you....let it go. Why?"

"Because...." Sonic starts, giving it some good thinking. "I still got some more growing up to do. And I kinda like being a kid."

"And you're nto jsut any kid, you're OUR kid." om stated, patting his own chest and patting Maddie's back

"That's right." Maddie comments

Then, the two hugged Sonic, and even Tails and even Mightyena got in on the hug. Meanwhile, Knuckles gathered up the shards fo the Master Emerald, put them into hsi fists and with a bright green light, it was fixed.

"Whoa....youf ixed it!" Sonic comments

"That was so cool!" Bonnie states

"I spent my entire life questing for this." Knuckles comments. "Now I have it. Now WE have it. What do we do of it? What next?"

"There were once two orders of heroes who protected the galaxy from those who'd use the emerald for evil." Tails explains as Knuckles handed him the Master Emerald

"But they have all passed on to the great battleground in the sky." Knuckles points out

Sonic then got an idea.

"Then we start a new order, the three of us." Sonic states

"This is no light task by any means. We must make a vow. To use our powers and abilities to keep the universe safe." Knuckles said. "To watch out for each other. Our new tribe."

"Oh, i know! A power bump!" Tails comments, putting his fist out

"Good idea." Sonic responds as he puts his fist out as well

They noticed Knuckles's face.

"It's an Earth custom" Miles said. "An unbreakable promise."

"Very well, a power bump it is." Knuckles said

They all then did the said power bump, Knuckles included.

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