Chapter 6

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As Sonic, Ash, Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Pikachu, and Tails were going through Uqxazi, it was some pretty heavy weather and they were trying to keep themselves warm, Sonic noticing Tails's gadgets after they rented a room in a hotel to keep warm.

"Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?" Sonic asks

"I invented them, it's kinda my thing." Tails responds, rubbing his neck. "That's kinda my thing. In fact, my inventions are how I found you, Sonic."

Sonic brushed the snow off.

"Remember that night at the field? Your energy blast reached all the way to my home planet! I saw you save your entire village from that craazy mustache guy!" Tails responds

"Wait, so you been watching me this whole time? Even in the shower?" Sonic questions

"Ha, that's a trick question, Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths." Tails responds

"Man, you're good." Sonic comments

"When I learned Knuckles was on your trail, I knew I couldn't just sit back and watch anymore." Tails states. "I had to come warn you."

Then, Sonic's phone went off.

"Oop, Doughnut Lord's checking in." Sonic comments, checking his phone

What he and Tom didn't know was Knuckles, Stone, and Robotnik were observing the convo somehow with their tech.

"Just chillin. Watching TV." Knuckles read as the dot dot dot message from Tom pops up, showing he's typing. "Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot...."

Stone leans to Robotnik and whispers, "Doctor, why are we working with this imbecile?"

"Because that simple minded space trash is the key to something extraordinary." Robotnik stated

"Something to help you get revenge on the hedgehog?" Stone asks

 "Think bigger, Stone." Robotnik responds. "The emerald he seeks could power my wildest designs. My genius shouldn't just be recognized on Earth, I wanna spread it far to every corner of the galaxy, allowing me to harness all the negative forces of the universe and commune with darkness itself."

"Wow.....that sounds big." Stone says

"It's been on my vision board for years." Robotnik responds. "It's the Law of Attraction. Didn't you see 'The Secret'? Kablooey!"

Then, another message popped up.

"'Just another boring night at home' THE HEDGEHOG HAS RETURNED HOME!" Knuckles comments

Robotnik looks back at Knuckles.

"Nefas. Which is Latin for....wrong!" Robotnik says, pulling up a few holograms. "According to my worldwide network cell tower triangulation, he's lying. All the way in the majestic hitterlands of Western Uqxazi. He's a long distance LIAR!!!!!"

Robotnik began flicking a small hologram of Sonic.

"There's more where that came from!" Robotnik comments

Knuckles smashed it and said, "Let's just begin our quest."

As they walked towards the door, Knuckles rose an eyebrow.

"What about your minion? The Miltank milker?" Knuckles asks

Stone was sweeping up the glass pieces from where knuckles slammed down his fist.

"There's no room on the ship for Stone. I say we ditch him, ghost him, blow him off!" Robotnik stated as he opens the door

"Dishonor!" Knuckles retorted

" how I roll." Robotnik comments, stepping out

Pokémon the Blue Blurr: Robotnik's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now