Chapter 2

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At a following date, Sonic had just spent all night busting a bank robbery and he was running back into Green Hills, zipping past Wade's patrol car.

I stand tall cause I know i'm a winner

"Mornin, Wade!" Sonic comments

Knock me down, i'll just get up again

Wade's speedometer went absolutely nuts when capturing Sonic's sheer speed.

You've met your match, yeah, i'm no beginner

"Morning, Sonic!" Wade responds

Pokémon, Pokémon, gotta catch em all!

Sonic ran up to a hill that had a big view of Green Hills.

I stand tall cause I know i'm a winner

"Good morning, Green Hills!!!" Sonic called out

Pokémon, Pokémon,

Sonic then zipped over to Tom and Maddie's house, carefully sneaking into his room, making sure nothing breaks.

Gotta catch em all!

"Come on....." Sonic quietly groaned when seeing that he had some cash from the bank robbery stuck to his shoes

Sonic quietly put the Lien in his drawer and pulled out the map and a feather from Longclaw fell out which he picked up, having flashbacks to that fateful day.

"I miss you, Longclaw.....i'm trying to make you proud." Sonic comments

Sonic put the feather and map on his bedside table before laying down in his bed, yawning a little.

"And now....for a little shuteye." Sonic comments, going to take a nap

However, a few minutes later, Eevee hopped onto the bed and began nuzzling Sonic's face,

"Ugh, Eevee, morning breath!" Sonic comments

Maddie stepped up, carrying a laundry basket.

"Sonic, you're still in bed?" Maddie comments. "You're supposed to meet Tom, remember?"

Eevee managed to nudge Sonic off of his bed entirely.

"Alright, alright, i'm up. I'm up." Sonic muttered

Later, out on a pond, Sonic and Tom were out fishing, Sonic barely holdign himself awake and Tom getting a good cast out in.

"What a day...thanks for comin out, bud. You know, I feel like you and me, we haven't had much time together lately." Tom comments, no response from Sonic. "How's it goin over there? Getting any bites?"

Sonic's sleeping eventually led to him falling into the lake, which was bad as he couldn't swim for a thing.

"I can't swim! Help!!" Sonic yelped. "if I die, don't look in my closet!!!!"

Tom went and got Sonic out of the water and put a towel around him.

"Now that you've had a nap and a bath....I went up to your room last night to bring you some new comics and uh...." Tom starts

"I knew I should've used real farts...." Sonic groaned

Tom put a newspaper down in front of him.

"How many times are we gonna do this?" Tom commented

"What? Cast your line and not catch anything? Anywhere near a billion." Sonic responds

"You know what i'm talking about." Tom responded. "The lieing, the sneaking out, the pretending to be Batman.."

"Bleu Justice, trademark pending." Sonic comments

"Whatever, you're being wreckless." Tom said

Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, not this conversation again." Sonic comments

"Hey, it's no fun for me, either but if you keep being irresponsible, we're gonna keep having this conversation." Tom stated

"How is it irresponsible to use my powers?" Sonic questioned

"Sonic, you destroyed an entire city block!" Tom pointed out. "You put people in danger and that isn't what heroes do."

Sonic sighed.

"You're supposed to be my friend.......stop trying to be my dad." Sonic comments. "I can take care of myself."

"Sonic, taking care of yourself isn't all of what being a hero is about." Tom said. "It's about taking responsibility for other people. And whether you wanna hear this right now or not, you are still just a kid. You got more growing up to do before being the big hero. Trust me when I tell you there will come a time when your power will be needed. But you don't choose that moment."

Sonic looked back at Tom.

"That moment chooses you." Tom adds

"Whoa...look at you." Sonic scoffed. "I just...I just got goosebumps-wait a second, did you steal that from Professor Oak?"

"No sir, that is a Wachowski family special." Tom comments. "Came from my dad in this very boat on this very lake. He always tried to steer me in the right direction, and that's what Maddie and I are trying to do with you."

Sonic sat back down in the boat.

"So, until your moment arrives, I want you to work on being a little more responsible." Tom said. "Comprende?"

"Comprende." Sonic responds, high fiving Tom. "Now, let's get back to the house! Hang on tight!"

Sonic dipped his feet into the water and he began going at high speeds, doubling as a sped boat pretty much. Back at the house, Tom and Maddie had gotten out of their standard clothing into more vacation-like clothing and were getting ready to go to Alola. In the living room, Sonic had opened a ring portal and Eevee was next to him.

"Welcome to Sonic Air, the fastest way of travelling." Sonic comments. "Now boarding groups 1 and 2."

"Sonic, this is so neat!" Maddie comments

"I'm sorry, ma'am, you and your husband are group 3." Sonic comments

After a bit more, Sonic ran a so called scan, but it was really just him goofing around, they were getting ready to go through.

"Enjoy your trip!" Sonic comments, giving the two a fist bump and tossing Tom a ring. "Okay, use this one to get back home when dome."

"And Sonic, cause i know you can get lonely sometimes, Maddie and I called up a fwew people to come visit and stay with you while we're gone." Tom said. "Try to keep things under control even when they get here. Got it?"

Sonic nodded.

Tom put the ring in his pocket. Then, they hopped through the portal and said their goodbyes for at least the next 48 hours.

"Have fun at Rachel's weddig!" Sonic said as the portal closed. "Okay, Eevee, we have people coming by for a visit and it's 48 hours until Tom, Maddie, and Mightyena come back. We got TV channels, streaming channels,, a house full of food and no supervision."

Eevee smiled.

"Let's do this." Sonic adds

Sonic proceeds to have all sorts of goofing around, even with Eevee, and while he was, on a cliff somewhere, a ring portal opens up and out hops Tails, an alien shiny Vulpix, with some sort of advanced technological device.

"If these readings are accurate, he's here, i've found him!" MIles comments, switching on his robotic tails. "I just hope i'm not too late."

Tails then takes off for Green Hills and hid in a bush.

"Okay, he's definitely in this town, I just need a way to reach him without being spotted." Tails comments before seeing a nearby police van. "standard town issued transport. Perfect!"

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