Chapter 12

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Rosy's POV

Two days have passed. Erick will only tell me good morning, good night, pass me 'this'... nothing more.

I haven't had the courage to apologize to him.

Mai's POV

Surely something is going on between Rosy and Erick. They haven't spoken to each other so much. Also, Naru looks at me weirdly, not a good weird. 'What is happening?'

Naru asks for his usual tea, but when I place his tea in his office, he would look at me either indifferently or deep in thought. Before, he would have looked at me with soft eyes.'And just when I was beginning to think he might have feelings for me.'

Tonight is the Foreigner's Christmas Event. Since it's at night, it won't interfere with work. 'I hope Naru comes.'

Apparently, Rosy's parents are going, but will be at a different table than the others. Yasu, John, and Lin are officially going. I hope that Naru and Erick might go too.

Rosy's POV

'Things don't solve themselves by just ignoring them. You have to confront them before it's too late.' That's what I told Naru a couple of days ago, back at the cave. I knew that I have to follow my own advice.

It was already noon, and soon I would have to leave to the event. On the way I would quickly pick Mai up from her apartment. I dressed myself in a long, red dress and my hair was in a messy but classy bun.

My plan was to gain Erick's forgiveness and for Naru to make a move on Mai. I was expected to participate on the event, and I also wanted to fix things up. So, why not combine both?

I left a note and Erick's invitation sticking with tape on his door. Furthermore, I made my way out of the house.

Naru's POV

Tonight was the event that Rosy invited me to. When Rosy called me a couple of days ago to tell me the truth, I felt a little confused as to what to believe in. As I thought back to the part where Rosy telepathically showed me the scene of Mai and Erick hugging, I noticed that when Erick separated from Mai's hug, his shirt was a little wet. 'She was crying. What would have made her cry? I know I have to find out.'

Will I go find out tonight? Or will I wait until another moment?

One thing at a time, Noll.

Erick's POV

I read the note that I found on my door. It was written in Spanish. It read:

Dear Erick:

I am sorry for what happened, for my false assumptions. I know you just might hate me by now. I hope you can come to tonight's event so I can really tell you what I feel. I have to fix things and I'm determined to do it. I hope you find some forgiveness for me.

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