"I'on kno Cliff...but what made you really come? You seemed like yo mind was made up."

"Honesty?" She asked me.

"Always and faheva. Earth and in Heaven."

"I was just scurd. Heyell I still am a little. Remember when you came in my office talkin' bout you wanted to take me sumwhur and I asked you "whur you gon take me? I advise you not to take me nowhur." I was being serious because the world don't let two men love one anotha in tha light. All tha love I've known otha than my mamas love was a love that wanted to put bruises on this beautiful body of mines. One that didn't have a problem with keepin' me in tha dark. It wasn't no having Sunday dinners, meeting family, or caring for Grandmuva, no makin' sure I ate, and damn sure what's no cookin' fah me. Your love came fast, and hard and I' ain't know how to handle it. It's still a little overwhelming at times. I don't want to mess this up."

I pulled ha closer to me.

"Money come and money go. If I can't make it in this music business wit you by my side, then fuck it. I'll do sumthin' else. I'm gon always protect you first. Whur is ol' dude now?"

"Only tha devil and Big L kno whur that man buried... Can I ask you somthin?" She looked up at me.

"Yeah, anything."

"Why didn't you send me tha Memphis post card?"

I looked up at tha ceiling.


"Always and faheva. Earth and in Heaven."

"My friend, as you called 'em was security while I was on tour. His name was Thaddeus Wilks, but we called him Big Teak. We fucked tha night before I was gon send tha postcard out and he found it. So I was dealin' wit havin' to tell him bout you and I just neva sent it."

"I'm sorry."

"You good. Just kno that a niggah love you so much. Your so beautiful to me and I'm always, always gon protect you." I leaned down and kissed her.

"I love you more." She laughed a little.

"What?" I asked her.

"You had a bitch so mad when you left. I had packed all yo shit. I ended up bein' reminded that I was worthy of love that was caring, love that was protecting and love that was pure. I was deserving and worty of walkin' in tha light with you."

"Did you put my shit back?"

"Yes, Bwoy!"

"Betta had, it would have been fucked up had I came home had tah do it myself."

I reached over and grab my phone off that nightstand. Cliff grabbed my chin and turned my head to tha side.

"Oh my God"

"What is it?" I asked ha.

"I didn't know I had put this big ass hickey on yo neck!" She ran ha finga over it.

"Stooppp touchin' it."

"Well, you gon have tah put somethin' on it, shit."

"Wait, I though it was my burfday." I told ha.

"It is,"

"So that means what I say goes today."

"LaMarques at least let me put some ice on it."

"Iight." She got out tha bed and walked to tha lil kitchen area. My dick was getting' hard just by watchin' ha walk. I texted Woddy and tol' em to push that meetin with tha record label back a couple of hours.

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