Chapter 5-Dancing

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You woke up hearing movement around the room. You sat up on your elbows and looked around seeing Alma was in the corner. She had on her white button up and skirt but had yet to put on her jacket and heels. Her hair was down and her makeup hadn't yet been done. She looked amazing. You shook your head, as an attempt to also shake those thoughts from your mind.

"Good morning, darling." You looked up at her finding she was smiling at you as she slipped her jacket over her shoulders and began buttoning it up.

"Morning." You said, giving her a small smile that quickly fell when you turned away and got out of bed.

"Are you alright?" She asked, concerned as she walked over to you. You nodded, but kept quiet. "Y/n, tell me if something is wrong, please?" She grabbed you by the shoulders, making you look in her eyes.

"Sorry, I'm fine, really. Just thinking about those wights." You shrugged her hands off and maneuvered around her to go and dig through her closet for an outfit to steal you heard her sigh and retreat to her vanity where she fixed her hair and applied her usual makeup.

She put on her heels and went to the door. "I'll meet you downstairs. Let me know if you need anything..." She left the room and you sighed. You didn't even bother going to the bathroom to change now that she was gone. Which proved to be a mistake because she soon stuck her head back in the door. "I forgot to ask if you.." She trailed off and her eyes widened when she saw you. You had on your pants and bra but your shirt hadn't yet been buttoned. She stared for a long moment before snapping some sense into herself and looking away. She stared at the floor as she apologized then closed the door again.

It took you a moment to process what had just happened but when you did your face went beet red. You quickly finished getting ready and rushed downstairs where you found Alma pacing in the kitchen, her face hidden in her hands. She sighed, not noticing you as she shook herself off and poured two cups of coffee.

You walked into the room and grabbed one for yourself, mumbling a small thanks to her as you sipped it. She nodded but didn't reply. A tension hung in the air between you. You both ended up working on breakfast in silence, only speaking when necessary.

Eventually the children came downstairs for breakfast and everyone ate, happily talking with each other. After breakfast with the limited free time they had, the children wanted to do something fun. They led everyone into the parlor. Horace picked out a record but before he could put it on, Olive took it from him, claiming he could play his 'classical trash' after a few good songs. She picked out a different record and played that one instead. It was fun and lively.

Olive paired with Enoch and Hugh with Fiona. Everyone else had fun dancing by themselves, or in Bronwyn, Claire, Ellie, and the twins case, held hands and spun in a circle. You stood by the wall with Alma watching them have fun dancing. At some point you walked off and went to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and a hidden bottle of wine Alma kept on top of a cupboard. You poured yourself a cup and drank it before you even went back to the parlor. You poured another cup before hiding the bottle away again and going back to the parlor to stand beside Alma once more.

Horace finally got to put on one of his songs, which was a slow dance. You downed the rest of the wine in your cup and set it aside before holding a hand out to Alma. She smiled and took it, letting you lead her a bit further away from the wall. Her hands rested on your waist and your hands linked together behind her neck.

You swayed back and forth with her, not noticing the looks the two of you were getting from the children. At first you didn't make eye contact with her but eventually found yourself lost in her beautiful blue eyes. She found herself gazing back but didn't bother to tear her eyes away. Neither of you noticed when the children snuck away to give you both privacy. Though Emma had found a camera and was peaking it around the door, prepared and determined to get a good shot.

You felt yourself leaning in, she was doing the same. Her fingers tightened around your waist, her nails digging in making a slight stinging feeling. You stopped yourself right before your lips brushed hers, eyes half closed but refusing to move any further. Neither you or Alma moved for a good moment. And then the song ended, and you both pulled away from each other.

You chuckled a bit but grabbed your now empty cup and left the room to go and clean it. Alma said nothing to you, moving to go and put the record away. Emma had already evacuated, upset to not have gotten a good picture.



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