Chapter 3-Chaotic Day

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There was a lot of chatter amongst the children about the tree empty seats at the able that had not been the day prior. "Children, calm down please." Alma said, standing at the head of the table. "I'm well aware you are all curious about the seating but I won't be able to explain if you continue to speak over me." With that everyone silenced staring at her intently. "Last night after you went to bed three visitors arrived. You know the rules about questions. And please, try not to bombard them."

"Who is ittt?" A boy with bees coming out of his mouth yelled, impatient as ever.

"Calm down. Now, here are out guests." Taking your cue the three of you walked into the room, Aaron on your left, and Ellie hidden partly behind you on your right. "I'd like to introduce Miss Grandala and her two wards Aaron Thompson and Ellie Samuels."

"It's them!" A floating piece of air exclaimed. "Miss Peregrine, it's them! From Horace's dream!"

"I know, Millard. Now if you'd be so kind as to go and get clothed I'm sure everyone would appreciate it." He muttered something before leaving the room to put clothes on as requested. Alma smiled at the three of you and then gestured for you to take your seats. You were sat on her left, while Ellie was on her right, Aaron sat right next to the younger girl. "How about you all introduce yourselves children?" As soon as she said that they all began to yell over each other. "In a calm and orderly manner." She clarified.

"I'm Hugh!" When the boy opened his mouth bees flew out of him. "And that's my peculiarity." A bee landed on your nose for a moment, making him laugh. "That's Luis, he's very nice, he won't sting." You lifted your finger to your nose and the bee moved to it instead. You smiled at him as it flew away.

"That's astounding!"

"I'm Horace, wonderful to meet you." Said a well dressed boy. "I have the ability of projecting my dreams." You nodded along as he spoke. Everyone else went around, introducing themselves and their peculiarities. A couple even demonstrated their abilities.

After they finished they began converting amongst themselves, often trying to include your wards into the conversation. "So what are your peculiaritys?" Asked Millard who'd since returned to the table and sat beside Aaron.

"Well I can teleport. Not very far though, I'm working on distance. And Ellie here can read others minds. But only if she's touching them. And it gives her horrible headaches so she doesn't tend to be much of a hugger. And Miss Grandala can-!"

"Now Aaron, that's enough." You said, silencing him before he could finish his sentence. Alma gave you a confused look but let it slide. If you didn't want her to know something that was perfectly alright.

Breakfast soon finished and everyone put their dishes in the sink. You began doing the dishes before anyone could tell you otherwise. "You don't have to do that, dear. I can handle the dishes." You shook your head at Alma.

"No, it's more than alright, Alma." She sighed and moved to stand beside you, snaking her arm around your waist in a small one armed hug. You leaned into her for a moment before catching yourself and resuming the dishes.

"At least let me help." She said before taking the now clean plate from your hands and removing the arm from your waist to grab a towel to dry it.

"It's fine, really. I can do them myself."

"I'm fully aware you're capable. But I insist on assisting you. This is normally my job anyway." She set a now dry cup back in a cabinet.

"Miss Peregrine!" Emma came running into the room. "Oh, Miss Grandala too, perfect! Once your done with the dishes can you two play a game of hide and seek with us? Please?"

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