Chapter 2-Good Morning

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You awoke the next morning hugging something. It took you a moment of waking up before realizing that it was Alma. Your face was hidden in her chest and her hand was playing with your hair. You were carful not to move as you tried to keep your breathing normal. You still weren't very awake and subconsciously moved closer to the older ymbryne.

Her hand stoped moving, instead just resting on the back of your head. "Are you awake?" She whispered so as not to wake you if you weren't. You groaned a bit and tightened your arms around her, making her let out a small laugh. "I'm afraid it's time to get up. I need to prepare breakfast and I have a bit more to do with three more mouths to feed."

Now this got your attention, you moved your head to look up at her and felt your stomach drop. Maybe you were too tired to focus on her properly last night, but now you were cuddled up against a beautiful woman you hadn't known for a day. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a bother." You said, remembering to reply. "I'd be more than happy to help you prepare breakfast. It's be nice to have something to do anyway."

She nodded and untangled herself from you to stand up, then walking over to her wardrobe. She pulled out an outfit for herself and then glanced at you before arranging one for you as well. "We can go into town and get you some of your own clothes later today or tomorrow but for now you'll have to barrow mine. Assuming this won't be a problem?" She walked over to the bed and set the clothes down on the side of it.

"Not at all."

"Wonderful. I'll change in the bathroom quickly." You nodded and she took her pile of clothes to go and change. You took the moment alone to get a better look at the room. Though there wasn't much time for that as Alma real was quick to change. But she was an ymbryne and that probably shouldn't have surprised you. "Still not out of bed? You could sleep in if you'd like." She said, walking over to a vanity.

"Never." You jumped up to your feet and grabbed your clothes as Alma began pining her hair up. You changed just as quickly, having also gotten used to getting changed fast. The outfit you were given was made up of a simple white button up and baggy black pants that actually had large pockets. Leaving the bathroom, now Alma's hair had been completely pinned up and she was just doing some light makeup. "Do you have a hairbrush I could use?" She said nothing but pushed one to the edge of her vanity for you.

You walked over and took it, brushing your hair as she finished up her makeup. "Need anything else before I head downstairs?"

"No thanks."

"Alright. I'll start breakfast. Meet me down there when you're ready, dear." She walked off without waiting for an answer. You sighed and finished brushing your hair. Once done you sat down on the edge of the bed and took a moment to think. You hadn't had much time to process anything since it'd happened.

Before you could think hard enough to cry over your seven lost wards you composed yourself and headed downstairs. Alma, who proved to be quick in most thing she does, already had a stack of pancakes made. "Alright what can I do?"

"Cut the fruit?" She asked, pointing to a cutting bored where an array of tons of different kinds of fruit and a knife sat. You nodded and got to work, not having to be told twice as you just wanted to be helpful. When you finished she came to talk to you. "Three extra seats have been set at the table. Meals dissolve into chaos quickly if we don't have arranged seating, as each child will want you next to them. So I'll seat you all." You nodded again, not bothering to speak. "The children won't be up for another half hour, I want to wake your wards ten minutes beforehand so we can get them ready for breakfast before my wards crowd them. We haven't had guests in a while and I'm afraid they'll be upset they didn't get to meet you all last night."

"Right. And I assume you have clothes they can barrow?"

"Yes I'm sure Hugh will have something in Aaron's size. And Claire something in Ellie's." She went over to a cabinet and pulled out two mugs. "Do you drink tea? Coffee? Which do you prefer."

"I'll take coffee." You said, then muttered to yourself. "I like my tea like I like my men."

"And how is that?" She asked as she began to pour you a cup. You hadn't expected her to hear you, but then again, she was a bird woman.

"I don't. I despise tea." Alma froze for a minute as if waiting for you to continue. "Coffee on the other hand, much like woman, I love. But I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter."

"Well..." She took a second to think about her word choice. "I suppose I must admit, I rather enjoy coffee myself as well." You grinned to yourself and nodded.

Before you could respond two children walked into the room. "Miss G! There you are!" Both your wards ran over to hug you.

"I'm sorry, we're you two looking for me?" They both nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Now, how about we see about getting you clean clothes?" You said, then looked over at Alma who nodded and walked off, gesturing for you to follow.

Once in the upstairs hall she whispered to the three of you. "Stay here, I'll be right back." And slipped off her heels before quietly entering the room of one of her wards. When she came back a minute later she held clothes. "For you." She whispered, handing them to Aaron. "The bathroom's right there, change while I get Ellie some clothes." She pointed to another door before walking into the one across the hall.

Aaron changed in the amount of time it took Alma to get a nice dress for Ellie and put her heels back on. The three of you waited outside as the six year old girl changed before you all headed back downstairs together. Alma showed you where you'd all be sitting and explained how you were not to enter the room until she had told her children of them. Then they'd all go around the table and introduce themselves. Easy.

Or, not so easy.


*Cue Micky Mouse theme*

Don't judge me, I'm really tired. Okay?

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