Chapter 15

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(Present Lucas POV)

Walking into a dark dusty room, I looked over at the red head who stood besides me starring ahead of herself intently. Shining my flash light around this mysterious room, the dust particles became more apparent and seemed to multiply by the minute.
As Max walked beside me I smiled at the faint sound of Running up that Hill that was blasting in her ears. As if I jinxed the moment, the sound clicked off earning a scoff from her lips. "I wish it had a longer loop" I spoke turning to face her fully. "Forty six minutes isn't bad" she said with a smug smile clicking the tape button to rewind the track.

"I think there are bigger concerns like...what if by listening to it over and over I become sick of it and its no longer my favorite song, will it still work? Or will Kate loose her magic powers" she said cracking a small smile of amusement at her own words. Taking a dramatic gasp I spoke "Kate Bush, never." Her eyes then lit up as if she cracked a secret code, "You're a Kate Bush fan?" she spoke in excitement. "Uh yeah! Now I am!" I state matter of factly.


"Yeah, mega fan! She saved your life" I said. Her eyes then flickered turning from excitement to an undisclosed feeling. Deciding to be bold I placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look back up at me. "Besides, we're hot on this creeps trail. We're gonna find vecna and kill him before he even thinks about messing with you again, all right?" slowly her lips turned up wards into a reassuring smile.
"In fact, I bet if we hit these suckers in the right combo we might open a door to his secret lair" placing my hands on the piano keys I placed a few notes which created a horrible noise, but that didn't matter because in return I heard her sweet laugh. "You're such. dork. I thought you were a part of this cool kids now" she sassed looking over at me. Jokingly, I placed a hand over my heart in an "offended" way letting out a gasp.

"Im not cool?" my response led to a fit of laughter from Max warming my heart and making me look at her in a gentle way. "I've really missed that" I stated as we made eye contact. "Missed what?" her eyebrows knitted with confusion. "Your laugh"

As she was about to respond to me a click went off from her tape recorder signaling that her track had re-set. "All done, work your magic Kate" she said proceeding to put on her headphones but stopping half way. Her face turned into a scared expression, following where her eyes were looking I saw she was looking at the flickering light. "I promise I'm going to stop asking this're seeing that right?" her voice quivered as she approached the flickering light and I followed behind her. "Yeah", her hand trailed up to touch the light but her actions led to the light turning off entirely. Looking into the hall the light seemed to have traveled to the lamp in the Hall way, so we proceeded to follow the path of the light. As the last light dimmed out me and Max turned to each other exchanging and glance of worry.


Re-assembling with the group, we all stood in-front of a flickering chandelier that stood in the center of the dining room exchanging grace of uneasiness. "Its like the Christmas lights" Nancy said. "Christmas lights" replied a confused Robin. "When Will was in the upside down the lights...came to life" she explained.
"Vecnas here. In this house just...on the other side" I staring into the lights as the went out agin, just like the other lamps me and Max found. "I think he left the room," looking around the room max spoke up, "Did he hear us? Can he see us?" my eye lit up and I looked at Max realizing she could now be in danger if he had left the room. "Headphones"

"Wait, Wait, everyone turn off your flashlights and spread out" Nancy demanded. Spreading out like she ordered we all had multiple encounters that was slowly leading us up the stairs and into the attic area. Standing in a circle once more the light of our flash lights jumped from person to person before they all simotaniously lit up and the center light center shined brighter. "what's happening?" Max said soft enough only for my ears to hear. The lights of all our flashlights continued to get brighter before eventually they are exploded leaving us even more confused than before


Hey guys 1. sorry for the short chapter, 2. sorry for how long it is taking me to update school is very crazy rn

Hope y'all are enjoying it so far if you have any suggestions please let me know! and don't forget to comment and vote love yall so much!

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