Chapter 5

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(Lucas POV)

    "I was just trying to tell her I thought it was nice she included Billy in her project and then Bam! She blows up to me" Mike said to me as we walked down the halls to the Hell Fire club meeting
"You kinda had that one coming for you. Plus you know how she gets with that stuff" I said simply not turning to look at him
"No I don't actually because we barely see her more or less talk to her for more than a couple words a day" Mike said in his matter of fact tone
"Yeah Mike maybe that's because of the shit she witnessed at star court. Seeing your brother brutally murdered in front of you would have an effect on you sometimes don't you think?" I said passive aggressively
"Damn chill I'm sorry. Didn't know you were still In love with Max" he said. My eyes widened and my heart beat quickened
"What?! I am not in love with her and when ever we were together we never said the L word to each other" I raced trying to make sure the blush on my face wasn't apparent
"You may not have ever said it and I know you may not have loved her when you were together but I see the way you look at her everyday and I know you love her now more than she'll ever know" Mike said putting one of his hands in my shoulder. "Now come on we are going to be late for Eddie's campaign"

Not like I was ever going to admit it but Mike was right. When ever me and Max were together I took her for granted and yes I liked her a lot, but I never felt the feeling of love. Ever since I lost her, all I feel is regret. I was never there for her when she was at her lowest and when I try to be there for her now she just pushes me away. I mean if I were her I would push me away aswell.

"Lucas you coming?" Mike yelled from a distance. I looked up coming out of whatever trance I was in and starting walking in the direction of the Hell Fire club room.


(Lucas POV-Past)

"It's kind of awesome" a voice came from behind me. I looked away from my binoculars and turned to see the firey red head sitting next to me on the top of the bus as we waited for demogorgans to attack us.
"The fog I mean, it looks like the ocean" Max said with a hint sorrow in her voice.
"You miss it?" I questioned her turning n'y full attention to her and what she was saying
"The ocean. The waves. California?" I said expanding on my previous statement for her to understand. "Hawkins seems pretty lame I bet"
"No, no, no, no. It's not that, it's just... my dads still there so." Her voice trailed off as she turned her face looking into the fog in front of us
    "It's this legal term called divorce. See, when two married people don't love each other any more-" Max sassed to me trying to lighten the mood a bit

    "My mom and my step dad. They wanted a fresh start away from him. As if he was the problem which is total bull. And things...are just worst now. My stepbrothers always been a dick, but now he's just angry all the time, and he can't take it out in my mom so" she trailed off leading me to figure out where her statement was going
    "He takes it out on you"
    "I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this. It's just, I know I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever. I guess, I'm angry too, and, I'm sorry" she finished looking into my eyes with gilt and regret. We just stared at each other for a few seconds. Words were unable to leave my mouth and obviously I wanted to say something. But. I just couldn't.

    "Jesus's! What is wrong with me" she laughed a bit wiping away the tears that I noticed were about to pour from her eyes.
    "Hey! You're nothing like your brother, okay?" I finally spoke scooting closer to her. "You're cool and different, and you're super smart. You're like totally Tubular" I raised my hands impersonating a California dude causing Max to laugh in response making me smile more.
    "Nobody actually says that you know" she stated with a grin
    "Well I do now"
    "And it makes you seem really cool" she said with sarcasm laced in her voice

    "I like talking with you MadMax" I said simply
    "I like talking with you too stalker" she said in return. And although moments later the growling of demigorgans echoed in the distance. That moment to me was perfect.

    From that moment I fully knew that I had a crush on Max and that she was the girl of my dreams. No matter what happened next just that small conversation made my life have meaning and made me feel a sense of happiness that was needed in those times of need


    What the fuck Lucas. You had everything going for you but as always you screwed it up. But of course I couldn't let my ego go for one second to see that my actions and words towards Max lead to where we are now. Not together. But as my mother has told me through life jsut take things step by step. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.


Sorry for this once again being a bit repetitive, it will get juicier and less repetitive


Until Forever Falls Apart (Lumax)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon