Chapter 4

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(Max POV- Past)

    "Okay which one" I said holding up two shirts against my body switching between them every few seconds to try and see which one I like more
    "What do you mean which one?"
    "I mean, which shirt should I wear out today" I said putting the shirts down and turning to face Lucas. Today was me and Lucas' two months anniversary and I wanted to look somewhat nice for it. It technically should have been our four month but I broke up with him in between and then we got back together...again.
    "I think you will look perfect in either shirt" he stated simply. "I mean in my opinion they both look the same"
    "They are not the same! This one is robins egg blue and this one is snowflake blue!" I sassed at him which led us both to laughing
    "Well in that case, go with the 'Robins Egg Blue'. It will compliment your eyes better" he said partially mocking me. Turning around to look at him his eyes immediately connected with mine. Heat rose to my cheeks a bit at his compliment. Normally I hate that gross couple compliment shit, but for some reason with Lucas it's natural.
     "Perfect! I will go and change then"
    "Orrrr you could just  change right here" he said wiggling imbus eyebrows
    "Lucas! No!" I yelled walking away to the bathroom and changing into the top and white Jean shorts.
"You ready to go my lady?" Lucas said holding his hand out for me to grab as I walked out of the bathroom.
"Your such a dork" I laughed grabbing a hold of his hand and walked us in the direction of our bikes



    'It compliments your eyes better'. Those damned words that always came to my mind when I looked at that blue shirt that sat in the back of my closet. Those words that even if I didn't ever show, it made me so happy and feel like the prettiest girl in the world. Me and Lucas' relationship was always complicated but when ever we were together we were happy. I was happy. Mainly I would break up with him over the smallest things. But this past time It felt different I knew neither of us wanted it. I just felt that if he were with me during these times I would only drag him down the same path I was tumbling into. And by the looks of his rising fame in school it was the right call.

    I see him in the halls with his basketball goons when ever I am walking to class. And as we all know he still puts all his effort into talking to me for a reason that will always remain unknown.  His life seems like it's thriving without me. He's popular now, all the girls are after him, he has more friends, and he smiles more now than he used to. Last night they had one their game to Louis Creek meaning that if they won tonight's game they would be in the finale for the championships. Do to their win yestersay the whole school has been crazy and all I have been hearing through the halls is everyone congratulating them.

    My usual headaches came and as usual I took my medicine but today ,around the same time as yesterday , I got a random ass nose bleed. They weren't like the ones you would get were it just doesn't stop it was just like the ones Eleven would get when she would use her powers which made me really confused.

     Taking a left turn into hall B I entered my History class where we had to present our 'Ancestry Boards'. Basically we made a family tree and shit and explained it. What a wonderful project for me, Yay!

    "And last but not least for presenting we have Maxine" my annoying ass teacher said from behind her desk peering out to her students. Grabbing my bent poster board I walked to the front of the class and held it in front of me.

    "In my family our lineage dates back to the early Viking days. On my moms side I learned how they originated in Scotland and then made their way over to the main land. On my dads side he was from Germany and during the war his family found refuge on a boat sent to America. Ummm. From their my ancestors mainly stayed here and created my family tree." I said remembering the small speech I partly memorized the other day. "After my parents divorced we go to my ex-stepdads side of the family. And I know you wonder why his side of the family is still in here and that...that is umm because of his brother. They were from England and then then also sailed over. Ummm so yeah. That's my family" I finished up keeping the tears in my eyes. Without waiting for my teacher to tell me I could sit again I quickly scurried to my seat and wiped my eyes during myself for letting this emotion out.

    I looked over to my right to see Mike staring at me with consoling eyes. I ignored whatever he was mouthing to me and turned my head the other way zoning out what the teacher finished up saying before the Belle rang dismissing us.
    "Hey Max! Max!" Mike said walking to my side as we left class
    "Yes Mike?"
    "I-I just wanted to say you did good during your presentation. Your family history is way more interesting than mine was" he laughed " I also wanted to say how I thought it was cool umm you know including Billy's side of the family even though his dad left you guys also" he said not even realizing the extent of his words
    "Also. Yeah. Cause Billy chose to leave us when he was unexpectedly flayed. He chose sacrificed himself in order to save us. But my 'dad' he was just a pushy and couldn't bare with seeing us without Billy. So he left. He was able to leave. I'm not. but you know thanks I guess" I said in a raised tone ranting once again having tears brim my eyes. I didn't give a chance to respond before I stormed off annoyed with him and myself.

    Do I feel bad for blowing up at him like that. Kindove. Did he mean what he said about my dad. No. But I'm done with acting like Billy's death was just a stupid mall fire. It wasn't. He sacrificed himself to save us from being killed by that monster. And because of his choice, yes I am grateful. But because he left me I have done nothing but wish things between us were diffrent that I could have been a better sister, and maybe we could have been the cheesy siblings in movies.

    But you know that's okay because like I have been saying. Spring break. Spring break it coming and from there I will be able to think and clear my head. No school. No stress. Just me and my thoughts. And maybe I will start to become, fine.


AN: Sorry this episode is a bit repetitive, hope y'all are enjoying! Stay tune for next ep

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