Chapter 15 - Fight, Fight, Fight

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Steve's POV:

Alexis was great. She was nice and I could tell Bucky really loved her. I've never seen him look at a girl they way he did with Alexis.

We grew up together. We fought together. Against each other. I've know Bucky through the good and bad. And one thing I know is that the man never fell in love.

I mean he dated. A lot actually.

But never once was he so in love with a girl, the way he is with Alexis.

I always imagined him to never get married. And if he did, he would settle for someone that he never truly liked, but he would do it for his parents sake. They always wanted him to marry a nice girl, and have a big family together.

He, on the other hand, just wanted to be a player. Which I respected. Because hell, the best time to play around is when your young. So I never really dictated his decision.

But it took long enough for him to finally settle down.

I returned from the bathroom, taking extra time. I knew they wanted to be alone for a minute. You could just tell that type of thing. I kind of just sprang this all on them both, so I think they needed time to talk it over.

Which they definitely did, because by the time I got back, they were locked in a deep stare. Once they noticed me, they regrouped themselves.

Our food arrived moments later, and we all ate. Alexis and I made some small talk, while Buck just sat in silence, occasionally joining in.

"Thanks for the breakfast," Alexis says, as we paid and left.

"No problem, it was nice," I reply, getting into the car.

The drive was short as we made it out of the city. We entered the compound, driving up the long road that lead to the entrance.

"We should definitely do it again," I tell them both, as we get ready to part our ways. I checked the time to see it was almost time for me to leave for the mission.

"Agree," she smiled, giving me a hug. I patted Bucky on the back, before walking into the elevator, punching in the number for the respective floor.

It was just us. Everyone was on this big important mission. I was told to join in a little later, not being needed for the first half.

Clint was still in retirement, so I didn't expect him to join. Wanda and Thor both mentioned taking a short break for a while, only being called for an emergency.

So now, it was Stark, Romanoff, the spider kid, and Banner who would be on this mission. Stark is being strict about Barnes' situation, and won't let him go on any missions until he is cleared.

He has been training for weeks, and him moving in would just make the process go by faster.

I guess he has no problem with it, given that he gets to spend all day with Alexis, having this huge compound to themselves.

I got a call from Stark, which I answered. "Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey," Stark answers, and I can hear the chaos going on in the background. "I need you to go to Barnes, meet the girl Alexis and have her bring you here like right now. Just don't ask questions because we seriously need you ASAP." His voice was frantic, and I decided against asking questions.

I grabbed my stuff, zipping into my suit as quickly as possible, and ran to where Alexis was. I knew Tony didn't know I already met her, so that is why he told me to go to Bucky.

Instead, I pounded on her door, begging for her to answer. I didn't know how she would get me to stark faster than a quinjet, but I don't think anyone would appreciate my questions.

Finally she opened the door. I still had Stark on the other end of the line. "Tony I got her," I say into the phone, and Alexis stares at me confused.

"Alexis?" He talks.

"Yeah?" She looks at the phone then at me.

"I need you to bring Steve to me right now, I know you don't want to talk about the thing but like seriously don't care about you using it before." And now I'm confused, and Alexis definitely isn't anymore.

"Please just hurry up!" I heard commotion happening in the background, and Alexis goes pale. She grabs the phone, and hangs up.

She closes her eyes, and focuses for a minute. "What the hell are you doing!" I yell. "I need to get on a quinjet."

"Shut up for one second!" She yells back, and closes her eyes again.

Then she suddenly grips my bicep with her hand, keeping it tight. "Don't move," she says, and suddenly I am in a forest.

"What the-" before I could continue that sentence I am snapped into reality by the sound of explosions and gun shots.

Alexis is still here. She hasn't left yet, but I don't care. All I care about is the fact that two seconds ago I was in the compound outside her hallway, and now I'm in some forest and have no clue what is going on.

I heard an explosion get close to us, and duck, covering the both of us with my shield. Then we both see the iron man suit fly above us. Alexis waves him down, which he notices us and comes to our level.

"Oh thank god!" Tony says. "Alexis you shouldn't stay here, it isn't safe."

"I can't just leave, you need me!" She yells at him over the explosions.

"If you get hurt it will be my fault!" He yells back.

"Guys can you seriously have this talk later!" I yell at them both, covering us from shots that are suddenly being aimed at the three of us.

I watch Alexis pull out two guns from a holster she suddenly posses. Shoot one guy that was in a tree, and getting another one that was on the ground.

"If you die," Alexis says, putting her gun back in her holster. "I will be very mad." She points at Tony, before disappearing.

"I don't even want to ask," I mutter, staring at the spot that she was just standing in.

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