Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes and looked at my mate, it was so good to see him like this and not through Max's eyes. Jace looked surprised when he saw my eyes and said," hi you must be Ares, it's nice to finally meet you. I am Jason but you already know that. I just wanted to say you have gorgeous eyes. Max has chocolate brown eyes, while you have light blue eyes that look like the topaz gem". I was so delighted that Jace complimented my eyes and pulled him into a tight hug.

Then I whispered in his ear," it feels so good to hold you in my arms sweetheart, I just can't get enough. I know Max always flirts and touches you from time to time, and we share the same body. However, I always wanted to hold you in my arms as me and not as Max. Can I kiss you I know Max and you just did, but I want to do it too. Please Jace just a small peck would do I want to feel your lips once again. He took a step back and then looked into my eyes before closing the distance between us.

This time he pulled my waist closer as I held his neck to deepen the kiss. I said a peck and this was more than that. But who was I to complain, so I just enjoyed the moment between us. It was getting intense and neither one of us wanted to stop. Jace kept running his hand over my back. I could smell Jace's arousal and it was not helping as I felt myself getting excited down below. Jace suddenly pulled away and said," shit sorry I could not control myself it's just that your lips are so addictive".

I took a deep breath and said," no I apologize I went overboard, I will be more careful next time. Plus I can smell your arousal and it is not helping the situation. Let's go and get comfortable and get to know each other sweetheart". This time Jace grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to my bedroom. Both of us lay down on the bed and faced one another and Jace said," earlier you said you could smell my arousal, can others smell it too? what else do I need to know about mates? please tell me, Ares".

I looked at Jace and said," yeah we have super hearing, and strength also our noses are sensitive to smell. Mates are also able to smell one another and you smell like citrus to me. once I mark you, you would be able to smell my scent. When werewolves mark their mates, they are also able to feel each other's emotions. So I will know all your feelings and you can feel mine however, I can teach you how to block your feelings. Same with the mind link I can read your thoughts as long as you don't block them. I know it is a lot to take at the moment however, we will take it one step at a time".

We spent the rest of the morning talking about all kinds of things. Jace's phone suddenly vibrated and he looked at the message. Then he said, "Ares I need to go now my parents are asking me to come home. I had a good time with you next time can I see you in your wolf form? I want to see you as a wolf since I missed my chance last time to get a good look at you in the woods". Hearing that Jace wanted to see me in my wolf form brought joy to me, I could not wait to meet him in my true form.

Both of us walked downstairs and towards the entrance of my house with his belongings. The two of us faced each other and he said," see you soon Ares let's meet again". Then he looked deep into my eyes before saying," Max thanks for letting me meet Ares, see you tomorrow in school.". After saying that he went to his car and when he got in Jace waved at me and I waved back. Then he pulled away from my driveway and I stood there for a few minutes till I could see his car anymore.

Once he was gone I went inside and went to the living room. It had been a while since I had taken over Max's body so I wanted to enjoy myself. I turned on the tv and scrolled through the different tv shows. Then I found supernatural the show Jace was watching, so I decided to watch it to see what was so good about this show. I was going to review some of the notes later tonight for the exams.

I got hooked on the show and then I heard my stomach growl. Looks like it was time for lunch and I was getting kind of hungry anyway. So I went to the kitchen and made myself a club sandwich. I grabbed some lemonade from the fridge and took my sandwich to the living room to continue watching the show. I sat and watched a couple more episodes before turning off the tv. I took my dirty dishes and put them dishwasher and started the dishwasher.

I wanted to clean the house a bit so I went to the supply closet and grabbed all the necessary things. I played some music and started cleaning the living room and kitchen. Once I was done I put all the cleaning stuff away. It was already 7 pm and was hungry again, I made some spaghetti with meat sauce. After dinner, I went to take a shower and then reviewed some last-minute study notes.

I was feeling so tired and I saw that it was already 10 pm it was time to get to bed. Starting tomorrow it's going to busy week. I packed my bag and then went to the bathroom to do my night routine. I came out of the bathroom and saw that my phone on the nightstand lit up. So I picked it up and saw it was a message from Jace. It read, "I had a good time today, hope we do this again. good night". I replied to his message by saying," yeah me too let's do it soon. good night and sweet dreams sweetheart".

I got into bed and I could faintly smell Jace's scent on the bed. I pulled the covers and the pillow that he used close to me, and before you know it I was out like a light.

Wait for the next update...

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