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This is the fluffiest one of the bunch .^.

And if you don't know, I love reading and writing fluff, so you can probably guess how much I loved writing this one :3

Anyway, enough of me babbling, let's get into it.

Five Years Later

Pietro opened the front door with his foot, balancing three bags of groceries in his arms and trying to keep from falling over at the weight.

"Welcome home, brother dearest!"

Wanda called cheerfully from the dining room, and Pietro smiled at the happiness in his baby sister's voice.

"It is my home, not yours!"

He shouted back, then walked into the kitchen, smiling gently at the sight he saw.

Putting the groceries down carefully, he leaned against the counter and watched his wife cook, humming as she did so.

She caught him staring and winked cheekily at him before turning back to the meal.

"Care to help me out, Pei Pei?"

Pietro chuckled and encircled his arms around her, gently rubbing his thumbs on her enlarged stomach and grinning as he was answered with a small kick.

Holly smiled softly, leaning back against him and stirring the pot absentmindedly, then giggled as he kissed her shoulder.

"And how are моје принцезе doing?"

His low voice sent chills down her spine.

"I could be better. My husband is distracting me when we have four extra mouths to feed, so I could certainly be better."

Holly gently chided him, placing one of her hands over his as he stroked her belly.

"Well, I shall have to lecture your husband later."

He cheekily responded, laughing when she thwapped him with a spoon.

"What am I going to do with you, hmm?"

She giggled, turning around in his arms so that she was facing him.

Pietro smirked down at her, wiggling his eyebrows, then laughing when she guessed what he was thinking and flushed crimson.

"I'm pregnant you weirdo, none of that for a while!"

She hit him with the spoon again.

"Everything alright in there?"

Vision called from the dining room, quickly followed by a crash and a small 'oops'.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Can you please make sure that those twins of yours don't bring the house down with us in it?"

Holly snarked, wincing at an onslaught of kicks from the baby inside her.

Pietro looked at his wife, then gave an 'ah' of understanding as she grimaced and rubbed her belly with a sigh.

"Is she acting up again?"

Holly sighed again, sitting down and trying to pacify her irate child.

"It feels like she just wants to punch her way out."

Pietro nodded, sitting down beside her and stroking her bump tenderly, murmuring soothing words to his unborn daughter.

Holly smiled as her baby calmed down, whispering a 'thank you' to her husband.

Taking a moment to breathe, she carefully stood up and made her way into the dining room, snagging the soup pot just as it finished boiling.

"Who's ready for food?"

She announced, plunking the pot down and moving to get the rest of her food, only to see a quick flash and it was all on the table.

Holly smiled gratefully at her husband, then sat down, avoiding some flung mashed potatoes from Tommy.

Billy giggled at that, showing a cute gap where he had lost his first tooth.

As the meal got started, and laughter took over the household, Pietro surveyed his happy family and smiled.

After all the trouble they had gone through to get to this point, their joy and peace were well-earned.


We have reached the end, my faithful readers!

I would say I'm sad, but I'm incredibly excited!

This story sparked several other potential stories, all Marvel characters x OCs, so expect some more stories like this in the future!

Oh, and I'm not done with this one quite yet, I got some lovely bonus chapters up my sleeve for you lot.

So I'm not leaving, not by a long shot!

I love y'all, hope ya know that! <3

Peace Out!


P.S turns out this was finished when I checked to see how far I'd gotten. I guess I finished it a while ago and forgot to post it! Sorry!

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