Chapter Eight

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Action ramps up here hehe >:D

Holly's POV

And of course, I'm stuck on guard duty.


Hey, at least Ultron's only mad at me, not the twins.

But seriously?


Gravity Girl?


He is the child of Stark.

No matter how much he hates that fact.

I sighed and slid down the wall I was leaning on to sit on the floor, putting less pressure on my side.

This is sooo boring.

I internally whined to myself.

Stupid Klau, taking so long.

I hear a shout and spring to my feet, ignoring the pain.


Ultron is gonna kill me if I missed the Avengers!

I took a breath and prepared myself, then zoomed over and launched a flying kick at Iron Man.

In the millisecond that I was in the air, I scanned my surroundings and zeroed in on a disturbing sight.

Klau was whimpering on the floor with...

Oh, Hydra.

His left arm was missing.

Did Iron Man do this?

I wondered sickly, then I saw Ultron's hand covered in blood.


I was momentarily distracted and a caped man blonde man took the chance to hurl me into a wall.


I tried to get up, but my aggravated side screamed at me and my legs wobbled and collapsed underneath me.

I huffed and tried again, standing up while holding my side, then looked up, straight into the face of some dude with a bow and arrow drawn and aimed straight at my face.

I sighed.


"Just my luck. I fight the most powerful beings on Earth and I die from an arrow in the face. Just typical."

The bow and arrow guy seemed a little weirded out by me.

Also typical.

"If you're gonna kill me, can you do it quickly? Green Guy and Blondie were just throwing me around."

I said, looking away and hoping it won't hurt too much.

The guy gave me an odd look as if contemplating my request, but then put his bow down, relaxed the string, and extended his hand.

"Look, I don't know what I'm doing, so get out of here before I come to my senses."

He said gruffly, avoiding my eyes.

I blinked, confused, but I accepted his hand and he pulled me to my feet.

"Thank you..."

I whisper.

He tightened his fist around his bow and jerked his head.


I smiled, then used my powers to fly away shakily, my side hurting me.

Almost immediately after I rose into the air, I spotted Pietro being pummeled by the blonde dude from before.

"Oh no, you don't."

I smirked, then dive-bombed Blondie.

"No one hurts him except me or Wanda!"

I lifted a large sheet of metal with my powers and yelled a battle cry, causing the caped guy to turn and look and then be smacked in the face.

He stumbles, so I smack him again, simultaneously helping Pietro up.

"Come on Wilde, I had that..."

He muttered, embarrassed.

I rolled my eyes and cocked my hips, deadpanning like a boss.

"Suuure Maximoff. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

A sudden sense of danger went off in my mind and I whirled around, squinting because... well, it sounds weird but...

I could hear a voice, calling for help, and I recognized it...

My eyes widened as I identified the voice and I met Pietro's gaze, his eyes a mirror of my worry.


We said in unison and we bolted, concern for our friend the only thing that mattered at the moment.

End of da chaptah :D

How'dya like it?

For those who watched the movie, you know what happened to Wanda, but as an author, I'm obliged to ask the question...

What happened with Wanda?

Is she okay?

Will they reach her in time?

All this and more will be answered in the next chapter, so hang tight!

Peace Out!


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