Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry, I finished the first half of the last chapter in a rush and didn't have time to edit it, so I just posted it.

Apologies if there're any mistakes.

No One's POV

All the robots were destroyed, Vision had taken care of the last Ultron-bot, and all the civilians were on board the helicarriers, but Holly and Pietro both felt they were missing something.

Or someone.

They realized it at the same time.


Holly screamed, shooting off the helicarrier and zooming toward the crumbling island.

Pietro watched helplessly, unable to do anything as the love of his life disappeared into the dust to save his sister.

Holly's POV

I could hear my heartbeat as I searched for Wanda, flying around the crumbling buildings and screaming her name.


The seconds felt like minutes.


I finally found her, crouched beside a trapped child and trying desperately to free her.


I told her to go ahead with her brother, that I'd catch up after saving the girl.


Vision landed next to Wanda, scooped her up, ignoring her protests, and nodded at me, then flew away.


I freed the girl.


A building started to fall on me, and I used my powers to float her to the helicarrier.


The debris pummeled me, and I realized that I probably wasn't going to make it out of there.


The ground crumbles beneath me, and I start to fall.


I am free falling, surrounded by rubble.


No one can see me.


The last thing I see before I pass out is a pink and green blur.




I simply can't stand reading cliffhangers, but it's sooo fun to write them...

Sorry not sorry ;P

Next chapter out soon, hope you liked it, all that jazz.

Peace Out!


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