Blood Moon

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After explaining everything to the young reporter, Alya was amazed that she was right that the mysterious shadow man is indeed a vampire but she didn't know he was dressed in a catsuit to be a black cat.

Alya stands up and makes him open his mouth, "Agh! What are you doing?!" Cat Noir asked.

"Checking if you really do have fangs for the truth," Alya said and very right, he had two sharp fangs in his mouth, "Very healthy teeth but you are telling the truth," Alya said and moved her fingers away from his mouth.

"Ugh, yes, they are real. Why did you do that?" Cat Noir asked.

"I wanted to be sure you really are a vampire," Alya said.

"Was that really necessary?" Cat Noir replied.

"I had no garlic to test you," Alya said.

"Garlic or holy cross don't work on me," Cat Noir said.

"Oh, I suppose it's only in books and media," Alya said.

"Sunlight can burn me," Cat Noir said.

"Okay then. The question is, how was Marinette able to get a kid with you so quickly?" Alya asked.

"Vampires feed on their mother's blood as they grow inside them, it takes only 9 days," Cat Noir said.

"Incredible. And she already is adorable" Alya played with Emma.

Emma looked at Alya and gurgled in happiness, "She likes you" Marinette smiled.

"She really has your eyes, girl," Alya said.

"Yeah, and Adrien's hair," Marinette said.

"Before I forget, you ladies need to be hidden because my father will rise on the blood moon. Or in human, as you guys call it the lunar eclipse" Cat Noir said.

"Um okay. You mean he gets revived?" Alya guessed.

"Yes. "I can't explain everything because I want you guys to be safe. Keep my daughter safe too because she was just born" Cat Noir said.

"I will, kitty cat. She'll be safe" Marinette kissed him.

"I trust you, my princess" Cat Noir kissed her.

"We'll make sure no harm comes to Emma," Alya said.

"Thank you" Cat Noir then looks at Emma, "Stay strong, my little kitten. Daddy will come back. I promise"

"Dada" Emma squealed.

"Be well my kitten" Cat Noir kissed his daughter's forehead.

He then teleported to his mansion in the weaponry room to be prepared for the blood moon to appear at midnight. He picked some ammo for his guns and added the knife to his belt.

"Going to war?" Nino asked.

"Yeah, preparing for my father coming back," Adrien said.

"You do know that bullets won't kill him" Nino reminded him.

"No, but it will slow him down. This is gonna be an ugly reunion when he sees me. He barely hates traditions changing" Cat Noir said.

"Understood. I'll be at your side, buddy" Nino said.

"Thanks, but I need you to protect my bride and my daughter. She's at Alya's place right now. If my father finds out who my bride is, he'll come for her" Cat Noir said.

"Okay. I'll do my best, Dude" Nino said.

"Thanks. Just don't touch anything made of silver" Cat Noir said.

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