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You wake up with a pounding head ache, then you realize you aren't back at your apartment. Just then Kaneki walked through the door. "Oh good you're awake." He said quietly "I brought you some painkillers for that headache." you nodded you thanks but then realized. How did he know you had a headache? "Hey Kaneki-kun?" You say with a coarse voice. "yea (y/n) what is it?" You sigh then ask, "how did you know I have a headache?" He gulped, then sighed.

"I guess I have to tell you what happened last night. Last night as I was walking you home a ghoul came out of no where and started going after you. I knocked you out in order to protect you. I hope you understand, I also hope you don't hate me."

You giggle a little, "Kaneki-kun I could never hate you! You were only trying to protect me, I understand but now this brings up another question." he quirked an eyebrow. "do you like me Kaneki?" You say but your voice cracks making you sound nervous, he plays with the sheets on the bed until you put your hand over his hand. He looks you right in the eyes. "Y-yea I do like you (y-y/n)." your eyes widen and a blush spreads across your cheeks. "I like you too Kaneki-kun!"

With out thinking you throw your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist. He stands up breaking the hug, "You must be starving. why don't I make you breakfast?" As if right on cue, your stomach rumbles. He walks out of the room leaving you to your thoughts. One thought in your head was 'if he battled a ghoul how is he still alive?'

(Time skip brought to you by my friend seth being a sick pervert! Lol but he is tho! Ok back to the story!)

After breakfast you went and took a shower and got ready to leave Kaneki's. You grabbed all your stuff, told Kaneki you were going back to your to your apartment and you were almost out of the door when Kaneki grabbed your wrist. You turned to face him but we're surprised to find his lips on yours, it wasn't a hungry passion filled kiss more like a sweet kiss. You were shocked by Kaneki's actions because he didn't seem to be one of those impulsive guys you were used to dating. Once Kaneki broke the kiss you looked into his eyes but after that you wanted to scream. His one eye looked of that of a ghouls eye, you shake your head. 'There's no way Kaneki's a ghoul, but that might explain how he was able to defend himself last night.' You thought, but soon you saw a hand waving in front of your face. "(Y/n) you seemed spaced out this morning, are you ok? Do you want me to walk you home?" Kaneki asks with a kind tone. "You don't have to I'll be fine!" You practically scream, you walk to the door and basically run home. 'Oh God.' You thought, 'Am I really starting to fall for a ghoul?' Your thoughts were interrupted when you ran into something hard, 'probably hit a wall.' You thought, when you look up you see Hide's friend.

Wait what's his name? Nisho? No, Nishi? No, Nishiki! That's it! You look up and see his eyes just like Kaneki's one eye. 'How many of my friends are ghouls?!' You mentally scream, you back away on your hands and feet. To no avail because Nishiki formed his kagune and stabbed your hand, pinning you to the ground, you bit your lip in an attempt not to scream. Nishiki bent down to your level, he started to sniff you but soon stopped. He retracted his kagune, "Kaneki will be p-" before he can finish his sentence Kaneki kicks him in the gut. You look down to your hand which is bleeding, when you look up again you meet Kaneki's eyes. He looks down at your hand, he rips his sleeve of his shirt to make a make-shift bandage for you. You soon start to lose consciousness from the blood loss the last thing you hear is Kaneki screaming your name and telling you to keep your eyes open.

Kaneki's P.O.V.

After (y/n)left I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, but when I looked in the mirror I saw why (y/n) seemed frightened. I saw my eye, I mentally curse myself, I thought I had it under control. I need to explain this to (y/n) otherwise she'll never talk to me again. I run out my apartment and sniff the air, I can smell (y/n) she's really close but she's loosing a lot of blood. I run as fast as I can when I see Nishiki in front of (y/n) I clench my fists in anger. "Kaneki will be p-" Nishiki tries to say but I kick him in the gut, then I look to (y/n) her (e/c) orbs meet my now both grey eyes. I rip my sleeve in order to stop her bleeding. She looks up and weakly smiled at me, then her eyes shut. "(Y/N)! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!"

Yea I tired to throw a little bit of Kaneki's P.O.V. in there.
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Artificial Ghoul [a Tokyo Ghoul love story (Kaneki X Reader)]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن