The Sketchy Gas Station

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word count:

850 words


Violence, Profanity, Blood, Mentions of Kidnapping

If you are not comfortable with these events please leave. thank you

We were in the Maverick parking lot when it happened. The Parking lot.

To be fair it was a pretty Sketchy Gas Station, and it was 3 in the morning, but we needed diesel for the truck. We were taking a family road trip, It was my little brothers 14th birthday so since we all love to travel we were taking a road trip before all of this happened .

Mom and Dad like to start our road trips early in the morning because it's less trouble. Me and my brother would probably be asleep for five or six hours.

Me, probably more, because I had a system for long trips. I would stay up all day the previous day, and i would pile up on monsters and caffeine so i could pull an all nighter. Then i would plug in my ear buds, play some music, stay on my phone for a while, and Then sleep for rest of the trip. I was glad our trips were either at night or before sunrise, because I usually can't fall asleep with tiny red light emitting from my t.v, so there's no way in hell that i would able to fall asleep with the sun in my eyes.

Anyways, me and my brother, who was clearly fast asleep, were in the back seat of the truck waiting for our mom and dad to get back from the bathroom I didn't need to use the restroom because i went before we left. Gas station bathrooms were often not the most sanitary.

Mom got back to the car before dad did, which was pretty unusual for him.

"Mom where's dad" uke said as he was waking up. 

"Umm, I have no idea. But he should be back soon though" my mother replied also tired.

Even though my mom was tired most of the time on road trips, she didn't like to fall asleep because she never wanted my dad to get lonely while driving. they would usually switch, but in the mean time would just talk to each other and listen to ( in my opinion) the best type of music out there. It basically consist of five finger death punch and AC/DC.

We waited for what felt eternity, but was really only around 5-6 minutes .

" Luke, will you go in there and see what is taking your father so long" my mom asked Luke.

"Sure thing mom" Luke replied.

"Thanks sweetie love you" mom said to Luke.

"love you too guys" Luke says as he gets out of the car and go's in the gas station.

Less than half a minute later we see a guy go in behind my brother. He looks Sketchy, but I think nothing of it. 

I rest my eyes for a moment until i hear a loud 'bang' and my eyes shoot open. My stomach feels as if it had dropped to the floor. I swear on my life, it sounded like a gunshot. My mom apparently thought so too, because she throws herself out of the truck and starts sprinting towards the store.

"Mom! No!" I scream at her as she is already halfway across the parking lot. I run in after her, terrified for what we might find when we run in.

She makes it into the store and I'm right behind her. I see the man from before, his face is spattered in thick dark red blood. 

Dad's blood

I see Dad lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to the middle of his forehead. I stand there frozen in fear as memories with all of us as a family are going through my mind right now.

"BABY!?" My Mom screams as she tries to run towards him. instead of letting her go to him, The man grabs my mom's arm, pulls her towards him, and puts the gun up to her head. 

He looks at me and yells "Don't move dammnit! Or I'll shoot her!"

I comply and say "Okay, I'll stay right here." 

"Good, is this your father" He asks me pointing to my dad.

"Yes. He is. Can I just call 9-1-1 to help him? Please?" I beg on the verge of tears.

"NO!" He screams and somehow holds the gun closer to my mom's head.

"Okay, Okay" I reply warily.

The man stands in one spot with my mom for a moment, and has sort of an alarmed look on his face.

"I have car in the parking lot. unless you want me to shoot you too, you're gonna come with me." he says demanding.

"What?!" I ask confused on what he said. Everything seemed to be going in one ear and out the other.

"I said get in the damn car kid! i wasn't asking! Your mom too! That's an order!" He yells loudly 

"Honey just do it. Please." My Mom begs 

I Start to hear sirens in the distance. They were far away, but I'm sure the authorities would be here any minute.

"Fine, Take us." I tell the treacherous man, not wanting to risk my mom's life.

I can't believe i'm doing this 

A New Life (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ