that reminded chenle to breathe, so he did before he collapsed of asphyxiloveparkjisungation.

chenle loved this, so much.

he smiled lightly as he hugged jisung's arms, and he felt his fast heartbeat on his back.

"nervous?", chenle asked.


"can we stay like this?"

jisung lifted his head up, "you want to?"

"i like it a lot."

"yea, we can. i like it too."

"we really fit together like puzzle pieces; we're the perfect heights for eachother."

"my missing puzzle piece."

chenle sighed and leaned his own head into jisung's shoulder, trying not to mind his belly doing crazy frontflips, backflips, pole vaults, long jumps, playing a game of football, running a marathon, and flying a plane simultaneously.

they stayed in the same position for a while, until the rain stopped.

"you awake?" chenle said.




jisung took his head out of the other's neck, "it's stopped."

"that's why i asked if you were awake."

"that makes no sense?"

"it will now. i was going to ask, is it fine if you take that cloak off? it's quite the... standout."

"uhm... about that."

"what is it?"

"i kind of... have nothing on... under this."

jisung scratched the back of his neck.

"i thought so. that's why i asked now. jeno makes clothes for me like the one i'm wearing now, he could make you some too."

"he makes clothes?"

"i know, it's weird for a fairy to be making clothes for a hobby, but it's one he has, and i don't mind it one bit."

"you can ask him to make some for me, sure."

"now or another time?"

"i'm tired, maybe tomorrow?"


chenle turned his head to jisung, and they were nose to nose.

like it was instinct, chenle immediately leaned forward and kissed the other, and this time it felt a lot more passionate.

the first kiss had been an affirmation of their feelings, and an outlet for all their built up emotions, but this one was different.

they both paid a lot more attention to what was actually happening and to eachother, tuning the passion level up to 100.

chenle felt every slight movement of jisung's hands, and his stomach had moved on to base jumping.

before anything embarrassing happened, chenle reluctantly pulled away, and held one of jisung's hands.

"i love you."

jisung's lip quivered, "i love you too."

"wanna go to sleep now?"

"sounds like a good idea."

chenle pulled jisung over to his bed, and sat down, but jisung was just stood there.

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