Chapter 4

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I lock my doors, all 5 locks

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I lock my doors, all 5 locks. I live in a bad neighborhood so we need 5 locks. I lock all my windows and the backdoor. I grab my keys and go to Annie's, the kids are staying the night at my other brothers ash, he's a drug dealer but he's super safe and lives in a huge house.
Ruby is typing away on the calculator with her glasses on surrounded by a huge mountain of cash in Annie's dinning table. "Where we at" Beth says. "Short" ruby says and I take a huge drink of my wine. "By how much" Beth asks. "Over 69 grand" ruby replies. Haha 69. Beth is pacing around the room with a cup of wine in her hand. Beth and Annie sigh. I'm on the couch, watching this all go down.

"What about the car?" Ruby asks Annie. "I took it back lost over half its value B-T-dubs" "well maybe you shouldn't have bought it in the first place" ruby scolded Annie "my, what a helpful contribution. Let me just grab my time machine" Annie fires back sassily. "Oh my god we should just go to the police" ruby says.

"Wait what" Annie says "we haven't done anything that bad yet we don't have records" ruby says. "I do" I say but they ignore me once again. "Uh yes now we do" Annie says. "If we just explain to them that-" ruby starts but Annie cuts her off "explain what that we meant well? Gee officer sorry we didn't mean to piss of the gang we just wanted to rob a grocery store"

"Okay I'm just trying not to die ok if you have a better plan" ruby says. One thing I hate, well top 5, yelling. Sometimes I can control my zoning out so I just lay back onto the pillow and curl up into a ball and put my forehead on the knees looking into my lap.

I hear there voices yelling louder, now I feel trapped, it's like 7 year old me curled up in a ball trying not to cry while me and my dad yell at the top of their lungs at me for not doing my "runs" yes my uncle used to be a drug dealer, he's dead now he overdoesed.

I feel peoples footsteps so I look up seeing ruby leaving and beth going to the bathroom. "Looks like I'm going too, later Annie" I say grabbing my bag and getting up. "Bye Katie" she says as i leave.
I get into my house and close the door locking all the locks. The lights are off just like I left them. I lean my back agents the wall. I sigh. I feel my phone in my pocket go off meaning someone's calling me.

I bring it out of my purse and see the collar id is Robby. I answer. "The fuck you need Robby it's like" I pause looking at the time "midnight" I finish. "Just wanted to tell you to go to bed, you have a 8 am shift at the diner" he says. "Go to sleep" I say and hang up.

I sigh Again  turning the lights on. I jump and drop my phone when I see the guy with the neck tattoo in my living room chair reading a book. "What the fuck!" I say. He looks up slightly at me before looking back at the book turning a page. "Get the fuck out" I say. "Wow not even a hello" he says setting the book down and casually grabbing his gun from the coffee stand. I shift my stance going closer to the door.

"Just wanted to make sure you and your girls were pulling through" he says getting up walking closer to me making me push up agents the door until he's literally like centemeters away from me. He pushes up closer to me.

We just stand there making eye contact for a solid minute. He leans down where his lips are super close to my lips. "Tick tock" he whispers before leaving out the door.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
Me and Ruby walk in to Beth's house threw the back door. "So I got 18$ in tips, I had to sell stands favorite set of cuff links for 250$," Ruby says walking over to a stool sitting down and i sit down on the stool next to Annie. "And Sara is playing her first soccer game in a t shirt instead of a team uniform." Ruby says "and I got 20 bucks in tips, sold back all the shit I got and got 300$ for all of it" I say and Ruby calculates it all up on her phone. I grab Annie's coffee cup and take a sip of the coffee before giving it back to her.

"which gives us a grand total of 843$ which means we now owe 59,657 to the violent street gang" Ruby says putting her phone down and crossing her hands together infront of her resting them in the table. "Please tell me u did better" Ruby asks Beth and Annie

Beth and Annie look at each other.

IK this is suckish but pls work with me here I'm not like in the mindset to write this rn but I will try

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